TBS Hot Corner, Day 5

Now that the online portion of TBS’ coverage is in its 5th day, this show is coming along rather nicely. The lovely Heather Catlin has hit her stride in being the Traffic Cop in the studio. Co-host and tool Matt Dagostino is providing some good baseball knowledge and background (see Matt? I can be nice to you). The third person on the main set, Chris Dimino from an Atlanta sports radio station is a guy who has a lot of facts stored in his head and he can bring them out at a moment’s notice. He’s quick and knows his baseball. And the lovely Kelly Cross continues to monitor the IM’s and pass them along to the trio on the set.

By the keyword searches that are coming into Fang’s Bites, I can see that you’re watching this show from all over the globe. I’m getting hits from the UK, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and of course, all over the US. Most are seeking information on Heather or Kelly. I’m sorry, other that what you guys are seeing online, I really can’t provide you with you any background. And I’m sure both women would prefer it that way. And I think I’ve received only one query on Matt over these past five days. That’s the way it is.

The unfortunate thing is that three series including both National League Division Series have ended in sweeps. The Yankees will extend its series with Cleveland to Monday and that sigh of relief you hear is coming from the CNN Center in Atlanta where TBS is located. I do wish that Cubs series had gone longer, but it wasn’t meant to be.

I do have to say that Brian McRae on Hot Corner was a welcome sight. He was a joy to watch when he was with ESPN and he’s been doing work on RSTN with the Royals and he’s been on MLB.com every once in a while. Nice to see him again today in Anaheim.

I’m glad that with the Yankees win tonight that we’ll have at least one more LDS edition of Hot Corner on Monday.

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