TBS Hot Corner, Day 6

Can you believe this is Day 6 of TBS Hot Corner? It seems it’s been on for several weeks. With it being Monday and back to work week, the casual dress is gone and Heather Catlin looks stunning once again. Kelly Cross is back at the Instant Messenger desk. I do like Hot Corner recruiting sideline reporter Craig Sager for interviews tonight from Yankee Stadium. He talked with MLB.com’s, ESPN Radio’s and MASN’s Buck Martinez about Game 4.

Thus far, Matt Dagostino has not done anything to offend me and that’s not a bad thing. In addition, he’s trying to show a little more humor as well. He’s been stiff the first five days so perhaps he’s feeling more comfortable in the studio.

Heather is also doing a good job of hosting. The show is a very good compliment to TBS’ coverage. Matt may still be a tool, but he’s improving at the desk.

They do have a guest, Tony Abbatine from Frozen Ropes who’s showing Matt and Heather relaxation techniques on throwing and hitting. Fascinating stuff. And he’s instructing them how to swing the bat. I can watch this stuff all day.

And there will be a fashion show. I’ll be back for that later on.

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