TBS Hot Corner, Day 8 or Keep It in Atlanta

I know the reason why TBS/MLB is alternating between the Atlanta and New York sites, to give the studio crew in Atlanta a break, however, there’s a difference in quality. The TBS studio has a much cleaner look. There’s a professional set designed by the Turner people. In New York, MLB.com has put two or three chairs together, a coffee table and a monitor. I know MLB has some money, let’s put together a decent looking set so it doesn’t look like a dentist’s office. All they need on the MLB.com set is a few magazines on the table and a receptionist. And most people don’t like going to the dentist so seeing that set makes viewers uncomfortable.

During the Atlanta portion in the 6th inning, Hot Corner ran a Matt Dagostino interview with TBS’ Cal Ripken and Ron Darling which was very good. Matt asked good questions of the studio analysts and got good answers in response. So when Matt does well, I’m willing to give him some love. Notice I’m not calling him what I’ve been calling him over the eight days of Hot Corner coverage.

It’s late so this is the last post on Hot Corner until Sunday.

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