Teams Take a Look at Mirabelli

Teams Take a Look at Mirabelli
In all of the Mike Lowell news this week some other Sox free agents have not had much attention. The first free agent catcher signing occurred this week when the Mets got Yorvit Torrealba. There are a few decent catchers available like Jason Kendall and Paul lo Duca but they come at a pretty high price for their mediocre talent. That leaves low budget teams like the Marlins and Brewers looking for a deal for someone to play behind the dish. Mirabelli has been on the radar of these teams to catch full or part time. Boston does not have many good choices to go after for their backup catcher and we don’t know if any of them can catch the knuckleball. It is in Boston’s best interest to sign Mirabelli for next year and then start looking for a young catcher after Wake retires.

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