Ted Ginn taken out by….THE Ohio State University?

Ted Ginn taken out by....THE Ohio State University?
Yep, this is after the opening kickoff was returned for a TD for the Buckeyes. Ginn tried to play a couple of snaps on the following series, but soon was done for the season.

Now I still maintain that Ginn or not, Florida would have steamrolled tOSU. Maybe it’s somewhat closer, like 34-21, something like that, but still, look at that million-dollar ankle being rolled on by #8. WOW. You’d think the way some of these guys are mobbed by their own guys that eventually this was going to happen to a big-time player, and well, there you have it.

So not only do we have a new d-line coach, but there is chatter than Rosey is a serious candidate for Central. I guess we’ll see how it all plays out, and everyone knows Rosey wants to be a head guy, so maybe this is his best shot. Interesting about some of the potential turnover as Glenn puts it, both the guys calling plays for both sides of the ball wouldn’t be around anymore. But that’s somewhat overrated, because Doba called the defense for the 90’s and beyond, and Levy can certainly call the offense, so I don’t think it’s TOO big of a deal if it goes down like that.

Also interesting to see that the name Keauntu Bankhead has surfaced – again. The all-universe safety coming out who failed to make grades has designs on heading to Pullman, but, it’s not a sure thing. Not only does he still have some school issues, but other teams can certainly get into the mix right up until signing day. Let’s just say that don’t believe the Bankhead-to-WSU stuff until you see him running around on the field next fall!

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