Tek Talks to the Globe

Jon Lester broke his silence yesterday and talked.  Today it is Jason Varitek’s turn.  Tek talked with the Globe’s Pete Abraham.

You can read the article here.  Tek said that the clubhouse antics and friction were “grossly exaggerated.”  He continued the same line that Pedey and Lester have said that the team did poorly because of bad performances on the field and not because of any issues going on in the clubhouse.  Tek said he was surprised to hear Tito’s comments about issues in the clubhouse.  He went on to say “That’s Tito’s personal opinion and based on what was going on with him personally and maybe how he related to the team….but I never had that sense.”

I am sure Tek appreciated everyone referencing his divorce as the reason for his struggles and issues a few years back.  What a way to do the same to your loyal manager of 8 years. 

Tek said he plans on playing in 2012 and hopes it is for the Red Sox. 

The last line of the article says “more to come” so it looks like there will be a part two coming.

Also, Tek is scheduling to be on the radio tomorrow morning at 8am on the Hill-Man Morning Show.  You can stream the radio online live, so tune in and hear what Tek has to say.

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