Tempered Expectations

The 2010-2011 season tipped off for the Toronto Raptors on Wednesday, but they fell to the New York Knicks in a hard fought game. They followed that game up with a win against the Cleveland LeBron’s Cavaliers to put their early record at 1-1.

While all of you hoops heads in the great white north are crazy for Raptors coverage, it must be acknowledged that this season will be a rocky ride to say the least.

Put it this way, Reggie Evans has started the first two games. While he has been a monster on the glass, he is still Reggie Evans, and has no business starting for an NBA team. Amir Johnson, the guy that got paid this summer, is struggling to stay on the field as he continues to be infatuated with fouling the opposing team. Barbosa is already favouring his wrist, and the odds of him playing 60 games this year look in jeopardy already.

Tempered Expectations

So what is there to look forward to for Raptors fans this year? Well Ed Davis is still on the mend after tearing his meniscus playing PICK UP basketball with the Young Gunz. I can only imagine what was going through Bryan and Maurizhio’s head when they heard what happened to their rookie big man this summer. Let’s just hope that he gets healthy soon and is able to contribute to the team immediately.

Linas Kleiza has looked impressive on both ends of the floor so far. He can stretch the D with the long ball, provide hustle in the passing lanes and he can also attack the rim with ferocity. He has a chance to be the most consistent player in Raptors silks this season.

Il Mago, former 1st overall pick, Mr. Andrea Bargnani, has produces relatively well in his first two games of the season. As he is fundamentally opposed to playing D and crashing the boards, it makes sense that Jay has been starting Reggie Evans beside him. One of them only plays on the offensive end of the floor, with the other one only playing on the defensive end of the floor. Bargs should be able to go for 20+ consistently this season with the ball in his hand on at least half of the possessions.

So what else is there to hope for this year? Well the team is likely to finish somewhere around 30-52, which should put them comfortably in the lottery. But there is no use getting excited for another hot shot underclassmen this year. With an impending lockout next year, it is unlikely that many college underclassmen will declare for this years draft. So prepare for a bunch of Europeans to declare, as well as the seniors who have no where else to go.

Tempered Expectations


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