Tennessee Titans in free agency

Who should stay and who should go — one man’s opinion
The number of days left in the NFL calendar year is now in single digits. On February 29, the league will officially begin its new year, which also means the onset of free agency. (Actually, some players around the league have already been released and are now free agents.)
Like every other team in the league, the Titans have a sizable number of players who will be effected. Those not tagged, resigned or tendered will become free agents, so Mike Reinfeldt, Jeff Fisher and the Titans’ staff have some decisions to make.
If I was the one making the decisions, this is how I’d look at it.
Players I’d like to keep and should be able to:
Albert Haynesworth will be tendered and probably signed to a new multiyear contract.
Rob Bironas, Vincent Fuller, Ahmard Hall, Reynaldo Hill, Dan Loper, Bo Scaife and David Stewart are all restricted free agents who should be tendered. I’d also like to get Bironas, Hall and Stewart signed to long-term deals.
Justin Gage, Ben Hartsock and Travis LaBoy will be unrestricted and should hopefully (fingers crossed) be resigned. I wouldn’t mind overpaying a little if that’s what it takes to keep them.
Players I’d like to keep, but probably won’t be able to:
Jacob Bell and Antwan Odom will be unrestricted free agents who will each be offered stupid money by someone.
Players I’d let walk but who I’d take back:
Jeremy Cain, Sean Conover, Casey Cramer, Gilbert Gardner, Ingle Martin and Donnie Nickey shouldn’t have their phones ringing off the hook from other teams wanting to sign them. Bring them back for minicamps and training camp if no other team wants them. They’ll provide some competition and may even make the team.
Thanks for all you’ve done for us and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out:
Chris Brown, Eric Moulds, Jamie Petrowski, Randy Starks, Ben Troupe and Mike Williams have each probably played their last game as a Titan. I don’t see much upside or the ability of any of them to contribute much more to the team.
Obviously, these are very subjective and just my personal opinions. I fully recognize there are also alternative opinions which are just as valid. You won’t have any problems with me if we disagree — that’s one of the enjoyable things about talking Titans football. What would you do if the decisions were yours to make? Where do you agree and disagree? Thanks for your comments below.

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