Thanks Wake Day!

There was a lot to celebrate today at Fenway Park as it was “Thanks Wake” Day!  It was wonderful to see such a nice ceremony to celebrate the 17 years of service that Tim Wakefield gave the Boston Red Sox, the community and the fans.  Wakefield retired in February and said that he never planned on signing with another team, even though there were numerous offers. 

David Ortiz came out and read a speech to honor Wake.  He said that Wake taught him how to be a teammate and how important it is to be a positive presence in the community.  It was real sweet and special, broken English and all.  

My favorite moment of the ceremony was Don Orsillo saying that Doug Mirabelli’s flight was delayed and he couldn’t make the ceremony, only to have Dougie brought in with a police escort.  That was fantastic!  Mirabelli caught Wake throwing his knuckleball for a first pitch. 

[mlbvideo id=”21459381″ width=”400″ height=”224″ /]

Wake made his way into the booth and chatted with Don and Jerry for a half an inning.  He said that he still watches the Sox nightly and is rooting hard for them.  Wake also had some really nice and positive things to say about Josh Beckett who was pitching on the mound. 

If you want to watch the ceremony for yourself, head on over to since he has the video clips up on his account. 

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