The Amazing Race 12 – Ep. 5, “We’ve Really Burned Bridges, for sure”

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, We begin in Ouagadougou at the Hotel DeVille. It was the fourth pit stop in the race. Now seven teams remain after Lorena & Jason were eliminated last week. The first to leave were Azaria & Hendekea at 6:45 a.m. Those of us at the Reality Fan Forum are not sure how much money was given at the pit stop, whether it was $25 or $28, but it appears to be in the $20 range.

In any event, teams will fly more than 3,000 miles to Vilnius, Lithuania where they will look for a marked car and drive to St. Anne’s Church where they will find their next clue.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, As Hendekea walks from the Hotel DeVille, Azaria says in his confessional that he doesn’t believe he has a bad temper towards his sister as she has stated, he’s just tells her what he’s thinking to her face. And as Hendekea tries to hail a cab, he horse collars her and pulls her back to the sidewalk. Way to go, Azaria. There’s one thing about a brother-sister relationship. You can either be at loggerheads and constantly fight or be very close. This seems to be a mix of the two.

Nathan & Jennifer are next to leave from the pit stop. Remember last week, this team and the siblings were neck and neck reaching the mat The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, and Jennifer cried that Azaria & Hendekea should have allowed her to be first. It’s one thing to be intense, but you’ve to earn it, girl. She wants to finish in first so bad that she can taste it. But this intensity has led to some blowups and we’ll one in this episode.

The siblings grab a cab and read their clue. They find that they must book their airline tickets to Lithuania through an official airline ticketing office. The first two teams arrive at the Ouagadougou International Airport, but find the Air France ticketing office is closed. So they head over to an internet cafe just outside the airport to The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, check flights. They find that the Air France office in town is open at 9 a.m.

So Jennifer jumps on a computer to use the internet. They can’t book internet flights as per the rules, but they can find flights to book later.

Ron & Christina, the father-daughter team, leave in third. Christina is making a concerted effort to say, “I love you,” to Ronald which sounds a bit creepy to me, but she’s trying to disarm him before he goes off on her. While their relationship is better than in the second leg when he kept yelling at her, you know one thing could just set him off. Sometimes, Ronald makes some strange statements throughout this season such as “Lithuanians make some great pastries as I understand it.” Ok…..

Nicolas & Donald leave next. This team would have all types of problems in this leg, from making enemies to not being able to find destinations. Donald says he’s glad he’s on the race with a family member so they can relay what they saw to their relatives, but Nicolas fires back with the statement that his grandfather can’t remember where he placed two hats in two days so how can he remember anything on the race?

Kynt & Vyxsin are next to leave. This team has not had any drama so we really haven’t seen much of them. This is a team to love. Both have had great attitudes and are appreciative of what they’ve seen. I truly hope they’re in the Final 3.

Nicolas & Donald have trouble finding a taxi, but right out of the gate, the Goths find an empty cab and head right to the airport leaving the Grandfather-Grandson behind.

Kynt says while he’s not controlling Vyxsin, he’s guiding her and tells her he feels they’re going to finish in first.

Ronald & Christina get to the internet cafe where the other two teams are. Soon, the Goths and Nicolas & Donald arrive. Nick and Don go to what the grandfather deems “the internet buffet” separate from the other teams.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, In one kiosk, Azaria & Hendekea, Nathan & Jennifer and Ronald & Christina are looking for flights. The Goths are hanging outside. And you have Nicolas & Donald in another internet cafe. Hendekea is on the phone and she finds one heading out from Burkina Faso to Paris that lands late at night. It appears everyone will be on the same flight to Paris.

Shana & Jennifer leave the mat about an hour after the siblings. These two disagreed over the use of the U-Turn. And right off the bat, they bicker over what the airport is called. Jennifer says in her confessional that she and Shana have to communicate better to win the race. And she feels extremely guilty over using the U-Turn to eliminate Lorena & Jason.

And the last to leave are TK & Rachel. Rach says it was humbling to be back in the pack and TK says they have to change their strategy to get back in front.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Over at the internet cafe, Ronald gets flustered and pulls Christina out of there. He wants to check the Air France ticketing office to see if it’s open. Jennifer scoffs at them, but as we’ll find out, Ronald ended up being right.

TK & Rachel finally end up at the airport, but instead of hanging with the pack, they look for a cafe on their own.

Ron & Christina reach the Air France ticketing office in Ouagadougou and lo and behold, it’s open. They sit down with the ticket agent who does not speak much English, but Christina does speak some French so they’re able to communicate. The agent finds them a flight from Paris to Prague, then Vilnius arriving at night. Christina thinks it would be best to go to Paris and ask for earlier flights, but then the bad Ronald comes out. He gets on her case and says it’s not a good idea to look for flights in Paris, so Chri
stina says she’ll do it at the ticket office. This goes on in front of the ticket agent who can only watch. Ronald calls Christina naive and says he wants to teach her how to deal with certain types of people. So as Christina asks for other Air France flights, Ron interrupts saying, “We don’t need to use Air France. She’s fossilizing her mind to Air France. Try to have her expand beyond the fossilization of just these carriers.” You can see that Christina is getting stressed as the bad Ronald is coming out. So Christina asks the agent to check other airlines. Tough to watch.

Over with Nicolas and Donald, Nick has found the earliest flight into Lithuania arrives at 1:25 p.m. so Donald is determined to get it.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, At Air France, the agent has found an earlier connection for Ron & Christina, but it arrives at 2:10 p.m.

With the top two teams, Hendekea has found the 1:25 p.m. flight. So Azaria/Hendekea, Nate/Jen and the blonds all head to the Air France ticket office as does Nicolas & Donald. It will be a race to see who can get on this flight.

Nicolas & Donald get to the ticket office just as Ron & Christina have finished booking their connection that lands at 2:10 p.m. They’re not aware of the earlier flight. So Nick says just before entering, “Don’t help them.” Christina shushes her dad as they leave so no one is sharing any information. Christina is under the impression she has a great flight, but as she later finds out, she and her dad will actually be the last to land in Vilnius.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Nick goes to the same ticket agent as Ron & Christina and asks if he can buy the flight to Lithuania arriving at 1:25 p.m. Just as he looks around to see if any teams are around, the siblings, the blonds and dating couple, Nathan & Jen arrive. And making a huge strategic mistake, Nick says in front of everyone, “Everyone else? Give them later flights.” The agent doesn’t understand and Hendekea snaps at him saying she heard everything. Nick shrugs his shoulders and says, “It’s a game.” But the others aren’t buying it.

And when Azaria & Hendekea get to another The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, ticket agent, they ask Nick what flight he’s on, and he says, “The plane.” They then ask what time it arrives and he replies, “I don’t want to say.” Azaria says, “That’s ok. In the end, we’re all enemies, right?” It’s a tension convention in the Air France ticketing office. Hendekea asks her ticket agent if she speaks English and she does.

Nick asks his ticket agent if she speaks Spanish and she laughs at him. Karma is beginning to set in with Nicolas.

Just as planned, Azaria & Hendekea get the 1:25 p.m. flight. Speaking about karma, Nicolas gets The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, the shock of his life when his ticket agent tells him the flight he wants is full. And she promptly books he and Don for a flight arriving in Vilnius at 5:35 p.m. which would essentially eliminate them from the race. The karma has slapped Nicolas & Don right in the face. Nicolas tries to push for an earlier flight, but the agent doesn’t understand “earlier” so they’re stuck.

Nathan says to Azaria, “That was karma.” It certainly was. And it felt really good. Nick and Don get into their cab. Nick’s frustrated, but Don says, “You’ve done good. C’est la vie.”

So as Nathan & Jen get the same ticket agent who just screwed over Nick, they tell her they want the 1:25 p.m. flight and they promptly get booked. This agent, now happy to see a pleasant couple smiles at them as if to say, “I’ve just given you an advantage, now go use it!”

The blonds get on the 1:25 p.m. flight, but when TK & Rachel arrive at the ticket office to the ticket agent who’s helped Ron & Christina, screwed over Nick & Don and really helped out Nate & Jen, they find out that flight is really full.

At the airport, Nicolas & Don go to the Air France ticket office there to see if they can change their flight. TK & Rach are booked on a flight that arrives ten minutes after the first group.

Nathan & Jen get to the airport ticket office to confirm their seats and they tell Nicolas they were able to book the earlier flight after they left enraging him. Nicolas? You’ve just been Punk’d!!!!

After not seeing the Goths for what appears to be three weeks, Kynt & Vyxsin book the flight that arrives at 1:35 p.m. Nick is able to book that flight as well and he’s smiling as if he’s won the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes, but that smile will be wiped off as we’ll later see.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Blonds Shana & Jennifer decide they’ll try to get seats in the front of the plane so they decide to play a little dirty pool in the airport ticket office. Shana instructs Jen to stand against the door to prevent the other teams from getting in. As Hendekea tries to enter, Shana says, “Jen, don’t let them in.” And Shana asks Hendekea if she can just stand in the office alone. This pisses off Hendekea and Nathan’s Jennifer and they both give the blonds a death stare. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that. Jennifer tells Hendekea it’s the turning point of the game and karma will bite the blonds in the ass later as well.

Jennifer of the blonds says, “We’ve really burned bridges, for sure,” and you have the title of the episode. As they’re waiting in the ticket office, the blonds fight over this and the U-Turn. Shana says we’re here and Jason & Lorena are not. I tuned out the rest because Shana’s voice is very annoying.

Then TK says something amazingly profound. He states, “Someone used the U-Turn and it’s not a big group of happy campers anymore. The teams that stress out and waste too much energy are the ones that don’t make it to the end.” Hmmmmmm. Foreshadowing perhaps? I like TK. He’s a smart guy.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Back to the blonds and more airport drama, Jennifer says she’s annoyed and Shana says she sees that. They continue to fight and Jennifer says Shana should have thought out things better. Shana said she did and Jennifer shouldn’t argue wi
th her. Shana says she’s more methodical to which Jennifer says, “You’re really flattering yourself.” I was half-expecting a catfight, but that’s TAR I want to see, not reality. Oh well.

In the post-leg confessional, Shana says she’s feisty and will defend herself no matter what. Yeah, using the U-Turn was strategic and kept her in the game and I don’t have a problem with her using it, but the way Shana came off was a bit over the top. Jennifer was being too nice as you have to have a thick skin in the game, but perhaps she was not meant for The Amazing Race.

Ron & Christina find out their flight is not so good, but this late in the game, Ron decides not to change it. They’ll arrive in Lithuania last, but it’s just 45 minutes after the first flight so it’s not that big of a deal.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Everyone is on the flight to Paris, but as you can see, there are three different connecting flights to Vilnius. Az/Hend, the blonds and Nate/Jen are on the flight going through Amsterdam. Kynt/Vyxsin, TK/Rach and Nick/Don are heading to Vilnius through Frankfurt. And Ron/Chris are going through Prague.

The first flight arrives on time. After going through customs (which we never see), Nathan & Jennifer get out of the airport first and they get to their marked car first as well. Nathan tells Jennifer she cannot stress. With this team, it’s easier said than done. I’ve been looking for The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, additional Jen Death Stares. Nothing can match the one that you’re seeing from the second leg, but I’m hoping we’ll get more with this episode. Yes, watching teams argue can be stressful, but with this team, I actually yearn for them because this team makes me laugh.

And once again, it’s the dreaded intersection where teams have to decide which way to go. Back in the opening leg, the best way was to turn left out of the Playboy Mansion to get to the airport. In this case, the best way to get out of Vilnius International Airport is to turn right. Going left will send teams on a wild goose chase. Nathan & Jen mistakenly turn left and end up at a dead end.

The second flight also arrives on time. Nicolas & Donald find their car and are second out of the airport. TK & Rachel are third and notice that the blonds are still searching for the parking lot so they’re happy they’ve caught up. Kynt & Vyxsin do the smart thing and ask for directions to go to St. Anne’s Church. Shana & Jennifer finally find the cars as do Azaria & Hendekea. Kynt & Vyxsin are next. So the first 6 teams are practically even.

Nicolas & Donald go right and they’re headed in the right direction. TK & Rachel go left as do Shana & Jennifer. Wrong and wrong. Hendekea instructs her brother to go right. A+! And Kynt & Vyxsin go right as well. So three teams start off heading in the right direction and the other three who turned left will find themselves driving off to Abu Dhabi.

And the last team, Ronald & Christina arrive at 2:10 p.m. and she immediately instructs her dad to find a cab who will lead them to the church. A quick aside here. This is a practice that was overused in TAR10 and in TAR Asia 1. I was hoping the producers would stop this because I believe it gives teams an unfair advantage. I prefer teams use their navigation skills whether they be good or bad to find places, but there’s nothing in the rules that says it’s wrong, so Christina asks a driver to take them and they’re able to get to St. Anne’s Church. Ronald praises his daughter for thinking of this stupid loophole and until it’s fixed, I will continue to rail against this practice.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Back to the race, Nathan & Jennifer are hopelessly lost and she’s beginning to scream.

Nicolas & Donald find the church easily and are the first to get their clue. They find themselves at a Roadblock which asks, “Who’s a good listener?”

This Roadblock will have team members become a Lithuanian messenger. One person will find a woman working outdoors. She’ll hand them a package and tell them where to take it, plus name of the person. They’ll have to traverse the confusing streets of Vilnius and deliver the package to that person who will then hand them another package and a second destination. They’ll be assigned to The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, one of four places, a hair salon, a hotel, a restaurant, or a cafe. When they deliver their second package, they’ll receive their next clue. This is a great task and thankfully, no one used any taxis to help them get around.

Nicolas goes out first and he is told to find Weinius at the Vilnius University Courtyard.

Azaria & Hendekea are next to arrive, but they run around the church. Kynt & Vyxsin arrive third, but are second to get to the clue box. Kynt and Hendekea decide to do this Roadblock.

Nicolas quickly finds Weinius and is told to find Olga at the hair salon.

Kynt is assigned to find Igle at the Courtyard. Hendekea is told to find Froma so both are off to the Vilnius University Courtyard.

We then see the hopelessly lost Nathan & Jennifer and for some reason, they’ve gotten out of their car to run to the Church. They find that walking there will take 20 minutes. Jen gives Nathan a look, but it’s not good enough for me to post.

TK & Rachel who also went the wrong way ask for directions are pointed the right way.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Back to the blonds, Jennifer is driving and is lost. Shana is no help because she’s not paying attention to the road. Jennifer says she’ll turn back and as she’s backing up, she goes in the direct path of a
speeding bus. Shana is bracing herself for the crash, but luckily, Jennifer puts the car back into drive and goes forward. In the meantime, the photographer and sound person with the blonds have just shit themselves after seeing their lives flash before their eyes. Jennifer tells Shana to relax, but she can’t and for once, I’m siding with Shana here. Shana would have taken the brunt of the bus had Jennifer kept backing up.

Ronald & Christina after being the last to arrive in Vilnius get to the church in 4th place. Ron says that he has to do this Roadblock. Christina admitted later that she’s the good listener, but her dad is the talker, however, due to the number of Roadblocks done prior to this leg, Ron has to do this one. He says the pain of his hernia is under control, but again, perhaps this is foreshadowing. Ron gets his first package and is told to find Milde in the courtyard.

We cut to Nicolas who cannot find the hair salon. He’s asking women, but they don’t know where it is. Kynt finds Igle at the courtyard and he’s instructed to deliver his second package to the cafe. After delivering her first package, Hendekea is instructed to go to the hair salon to find Olga.

Nicolas continues to walk around and he can’t find the hair salon. He keeps asking people and they’re of no help. Remember the ticket agent, Nicolas? This is karma biting you square in the ass.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, We go back to Nathan & Jennifer who instead of going back to their car, are continuing to run through the streets of Vilnius. He’s blaming her for being stressed out. Nathan again puts his foot in his mouth by saying, “I just can’t believe what kind of person you’ve turned into. It’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Because the photographer is running behind Nate & Jen, we don’t see her Death Stare. Good job, Nate. Way to keep your relationship in order. Neither of them are happy and it’s always good to snap at your partner. This is not as bad as Edwin & Monica at the bike assembly detour in Manila, but it’s pretty damned close.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Kynt asks directions from a local to find the cafe and he’s off. Nicolas is just hopelessly lost. Kynt arrives at the Gabi Cafe and he delivers a book to get his next clue. And he and Vyxsin leave the church in first. They’re instructed to go to drive to to the town of Rumsiskes and find Lietuvos Liaudies Buities Maziejus, a Lithuanian outdoor museum then follow a marked road to Dzukija Village to find their next clue.

TK & Rachel are the 5th to arrive at the church and TK agrees to do the Roadblock.

Shana & Jennifer are lost. Jennifer wants to stop The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, and ask for directions, but Shana nixes the idea saying it will hurt their time. Shana, you’ve already lost time, it’s best to stop and regain some time by asking. She’s so annoying.

Finally, Nathan & Jennifer reach the church, well back in 6th. She’ll do the Roadblock.

Both Hendekea and Nicolas who have to go to the hair salon are having trouble finding it. Nicolas went back to Don saying he doesn’t know where it is and doesn’t know what to do. TK finds someone who volunteers to take him to the Courtyard. He delivers his first package and is told to find St. German Restaurant to deliver this second package. And the local takes him there and he’s able to make up a lot of time.

Jennifer also gets help from a local as does Ronald and they’re able to make their first deliveries.

Shana & Jennifer finally find someone who’s able to take them to St. Anne’s Church.

Ronald passes the church where Christina tells him other teams are waiting with her, but he yells at her to not put pressure on her, “Silence, si vous plez!” Goodness, Ron. But he does get directions at a hotel to find the restaurant so he’s on his way.

TK is done quickly thanks to the local’s help and Rachel can’t believe it. They’re 2nd out of the Roadblock.

Ronald finds the restaurant and he gets his next clue. He runs back to the church where Christina again tells her she loves him (ewww) and they’re off to the museum.

Jennifer finally makes her first delivery and she’s told to go to Gabi Cafe. She also finds a local who takes her there.

The hair salon has locals stumped leaving Hendekea and Nicolas wandering the streets of Vilinius aimlesssly.

But Jennifer reaches the Gabi Cafe and gets her next clue. Hendekea finally finds a local who agrees to take her to the hair salon. Jennifer finally reaches Nathan who gives her this big hug. Here’s this guy who’s probably over six feet and Jen who’s like 5′-2″ and seeing his hug is funny. But they have to run back to their car which is seemingly eight miles away. Park closer, guys!

Hendekea finally reaches the hair salon and delivers her second package and they’re on their way. Donald is now worried as he sees Shana & Jennifer finally reach the church. Jennifer will do the task. And Donald notes that they were the first ones at the church and Nicolas was the first one out, but he’s yet to finish the task while five other teams have come and gone. Don feels he and Nick could very well be eliminated. It’s going to be close.

Shana gets her first package and is told to find Donaldus at the courtyard. Nicolas has made a complete circle of the area and is lost. Finally, he’s finds a local who knows the salon and is able to take him there.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, At the village, the Goths are the first to arrive and find their next clue has to do with GNOMES!!!!! Teams have to look through the village and find (dreaded product placement ahead) a Travelocity Gnome hidden in a whole slew of Lithuanian gnomes. Once they find the Travelocity Gnome, they’ll bring him to the pit stop. I love gnomes. I just don’t want to put them on my lawn like some people do, but I love looking at them. Maybe Tyra Banks who’s scared of dolphins is scared of gnomes too. This has nothing to do with The Amazing Race, I just wanted to make that Tyra Banks reference.

Shana reaches Donaldus at the courtyard and is told to go to the Shakespeare Hotel to deliver her second package. And as luck would have it, she’s able to find a local who knows where it is and will take her there. Lucky bastard.

Nicolas finally delivers his second package to the hair salon and gets his next clue some 48 hours after everyone has left. Shana delivers her second pa
ckage and is heading back to the church. Nicolas gets directions on how to return to St. Anne’s from a very nice waiter. But Shana gets back first and the blonds are the 6th to leave for the village. Nick returns and finds out he’s the last one to finish. But he notices the girls still asking for directions and he feels he and Don can beat them.

Over to the village, Kynt & Vyxsin are able to find their gnome and are off to get their next clue which is a Detour. And teams will find they’ll have a choice of doing two tasks among Lithuania’s traditional mid-summer festival, Count Down or Step Up.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, In Count Down, teams make their way through the festivities to a marked section of a picket fence. Once there, they’ll count every picket on the fence and reveal the total (717) to a villager. If the count is correct, they’ll receive their next clue.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, In Step Up, teams must use stilts to walk along a marked course to the finish line. If a person falls off before reaching the finish, he or she must go back to the beginning and start again. When both members finish, the team will get their next clue.

The Goths choose Step Up.

TK & Rachel have arrived at the village and they’ll have to find the gnome. Right behind them are Ronald & Christina.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Kynt & Vyxsin arrive at the festival and Kynt says this is his favorite part of the race thus far. Kynt said he and Vyxsin love to play dress up and he felt he had plenty of kindred souls that made them feel “normal”. I love this team.

So the Goths try the stilts and are having a tough time. TK & Rachel are able to find their Travelocity Gnome as do Ron & Christina so they’re both heading to the next clue box. Kynt falls off his stilts as does Vyxsin so they have to go back. Rachel wants to do stilts so they’ll do Step Up. Ronald says he’s good on balance so he and Christina go for the stilts. Careful with your hernia, Ron.

Nathan & Jennifer and Azaria & Hendekea get to the village next and search for their gnomes. Nathan finds one and he and Jen head off for the festival.

The last two teams, Nicolas & Donald and the blonds are speeding to the village. Kynt & Vyxsin are having trouble balancing the stilts. TK & Rachel finally get to the festival and are ready to Step Up. All are having trouble getting to the end without falling off and in the meantime, there’s dancing, playing, all types of frivolity at the festival. It looks like fun.

The Goths finally decide to change tasks and decide to count. However, TK is able to reach the finish. Ron & Christina are having trouble with the stilts as well.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Over to Count Down, Kynt notes that just the pickets are to be counted, not the fence posts or gates. They have to do this in the midst of music, distractions and a raucous caucus. Nathan & Jennifer get their clue and decide to count. Azaria & Hendekea find their gnome and head to the village. Jennifer sees the fence and says, “I can do this so fast.” Famous last words.

So as we see counting, stilt walking and all types of debauchery at the festival … ok, maybe not debauchery, but we should …. Kynt & Vyxsin have to recount as they lose their place. Azaria & Hendekea go for the stilts. Christina finally finishes her stilt walk, but her father has yet to keep his balance. Rachel is able to reach the finish line and she and TK are the first to finish the Detour. They’ll make their way on foot to the next pit stop.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, And they’ll go to a very cool looking place, the Aukstaitija Windmill. Phil tells us that the windmill was built in 1884 and is a testament to Lithuanian agriculture. The last team to check in may be eliminated.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Just as TK & Rachel leave for the windmill, the Goths finish counting and give the correct total to the villager who gives them their next clue. Both teams are running to the mat. TK & Rachel reach it first and get their first 1st place finish of the race. And continuing the product placement, they win a 10 day trip to Japan courtesy of Travelocity. TK admitted that he thought they were last as they were alone for most of the leg so you just never know. How true is that?

Kynt & Vxysin are second, very close behind.

Back at the festival, Jennifer is counting the The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, pickets. Ronald is trying to balance himself on the stilts. Azaria & Hendekea are finding the stilts too tough so they switch to the fence. Jennifer is trying to count the pickets but it’s too noisy. Ronald then takes a nasty spill and looks like he might have aggravated his hernia. That looked painful. He has to rest a bit to catch his wind. Man, any fall is painful, but that looked like Ron was really in a lot of discomfort. I feel for you, man.

Back at the picket fence, Nathan & Jennifer give their total of 727 pickets to the villager and are told it’s wrong. They go back to count again. Nathan has been counting out loud and Jennifer’s getting distracted. Remember this down the line.

Back to Ronald, he tries the stilts one more time. And he finally makes it, g
iving CBS a big sigh of relief and a breather from a major lawsuit. They get their next clue and head to the pit stop.

Azaria & Hendekea are now counting the pickets. He’ll do the front. She’ll do the back and they’ll total it up.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Shana & Jennifer find a really hot chick who tells them to go straight to the village. Looked a lot like Maria Sharapova. Upon further review, she doesn’t look like Maria Sharapova. Maybe I wanted her to look like Maria Sharapova. Ok, we continue.

Nick & Donald reach the village and head to find the Gnome. And they do.

Shana & Jennifer are next and they’re able to find their gnome.

At the fence, Jennifer tells Nathan not to let anything distract him. They’re counting together so of course, his counting out loud will distract her. Azaria & Hendekea are counting separately and it looks like they’re getting close to the total. Jennifer asks Nate to stop counting out loud, but he tells her to hang back so he can continue his system.

Finally, Hendekea confirms Azaria’s count and they’re able to get their next clue. Hitting the mat next are Ron & Chris in third.

Nathan is still counting out loud. Jennifer asks him to stop. He says no. We’re about to get some major conflict. Nicolas & Donald decide to count. Nate & Jen get a total of 744 pickets which is wrong. They’ll have to count again. Shana & Jennifer also decide to count.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Jennifer & Nathan are counting when she asks, “Can I go in front of you,” when Nathan comes up with the classic reply, “Bitch.” And ladies and gentlemen, I give you the latest Jen Death Stare.
The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, She asks “Are you serious?” And he yells, “Why would you say ‘don’t talk to me’ and then ask me a question???” It’s not good right now. And they decide to change tasks. She’s pissed that he called her a bitch. He’s pissed that she asked him not to count out loud. It’s just more conflict on The Amazing Race.

Azaria & Hendekea arrive at the mat in 4th, happy to still be in the race.

Now at the stilts, Nathan is trying to walk. He sees Nicolas & Donald arrive and he’s pissed again. Jennifer loses her balance and shrieks. Man, is it loud. Nathan is able to get across the finish line so it’s up to Jennifer.

Nick begins his count of the fence. Shana & Jennifer are running to count.

Nathan’s Jennifer finally finish the stilt walk and they’re able to head out to the pit stop.

Nicolas counts the pickets. The blonds are having trouble navigating the count.

Nathan & Jennifer find the mat and they check in 5th.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, So it’s a race at the fence. Nicolas totals 737, but he realizes he counted some gates so he goes back to subtract. Shana & Jennifer are arguing. Nicolas gets the correct total of 717. Shana tells Jennifer if they get the wrong total, it’s on her. They have not been a cohesive team since the U-Turn. Jennifer then gives the wrong total.

Nicolas & Donald come in at 6th place, still in the racebarely in it.

Shana & Jennifer finally get the right total and head towards the mat. They are holding hands and are hoping for a non-elimination leg, but IT’S NOT TO BE!!!! Phil eliminates them and tells them to get off the mat, they’re not worthy to stand on it. Ok, he didn’t say that, I did when I was watching. Jennifer cries. Stop it.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, Jennifer says her heart is broken being eliminated. Shana says through all of the pedicures and here is where I again tuned her out. She’s so annoying. But she then said she was amazed at what she accomplished. Whatever. They leave the mat holding hands and we’re done. Thankfully, they’re gone.

So our order of finish:

1. TK & Rachel – winners of a 10 day trip to Japan
2. Kynt & Vyxsin – they’re a steady team
3. Ronald & Christina – we’ll see how his fall affects their performance in the next leg.
4. Azaria & Hendekea
5. Nathan & Jennifer
6. Nicolas & Donald
7. Shana & Jennifer – OUT! O-U-T! OUT! OUT! OUT!

Next week, Azaria loses patience with his sister.
The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5,
The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 5, And Nate and Jen reach their breaking point. Good night.

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