The Amazing Race 12 – Ep. 6, “Cherry on top of the Sundae that’s Already Melted”

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, We begin in Vilnius, Lithuania, the 5th pit stop in this whirlwind race around the world. Six teams remain after Shana & Jennifer were eliminated. We know from last week that TK & Rachel arrived first and were rewarded with (dreaded product placement ahead) a 10 day trip to Japan courtesy of Travelocity.

Because they were the first to arrive at 1 p.m. (I seriously doubt this since the sun appeared to be setting in Vilnius when TK & Rach checked in … unless the sun sets at 1 p.m., then I don’t think they arrived at 1 p.m., but I digress), TK & Rachel will leave at 1 a.m.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, They find that they’ll leave Vilnius and fly 900 miles to Dubrovnik, Croatia. From there, they’ll travel to the base of the Fort of St. Lawrence, which looks totally cool from the picture you see here, where they will find their next clue. Teams receive $109 dollars for this leg of the race.

Just one minute later, our lovely Goths, Kynt & Vyxsin get their clue to meet up with TK & Rachel to head to the airport.

TK says he keeps a cool head in the race not because it’s for the race, but because that’s the way he is and Rachel adds it’s best for their relationship. Isn’t that the truth? Too many times in this race, we’ve seen couples with a volatile dynamic crumble before our eyes. Peter & Sarah from TAR10 comes to mind as a prime example. They essentially broke up on the mat when they were eliminated. Are you listening, Nathan & Jen?

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Anyway, Rachel says Croatia sounds like a place where gymnasts come from. No, it’s where hot tennis players come from. So we continue.

As the Goths try to keep up with TK & Rachel, Kynt, who’s wearing a matching pink hat with our lovely Vyxsin, says they’ve not had the pleasure of hearing Phil say they’re team number one. They’d like to change that today.

Ron & Christina leave third and they, meaning he, decide not to take a taxi and run over to a hotel to make reservations for a flight to Dubrovnik. There are times when the ugly Ronald rears his ugly head, but Christina is getting better at nipping it in the bud, before it gets out of hand. We all remember what happened in the second leg when Ron kept criticizing Christina until she almost wilted. Well, she’s speaking up and keeping Ron in check. As they get to the hotel, Ron asks nicely to use a phone for a long distance call and Christina points out how nice he was to the clerk thus, he should be nice to her. Yeah!

Azaria & Hendekea are the 4th to leave the pit stop. This team has been strong, but as Hendekea notes, Azaria has a tendency to be a control freak and really imposes his will on Hendekea. This is the part of this team I don’t like. The way he gets into his sister’s face and doesn’t realize she’s all grown up and not this dainty flower. All older brothers feel this way about their younger sisters, but you do have to realize that the girl can take care of herself. It’s easier said than done, but Azaria can get arrogant. I speak from personal knowledge as I have two younger sisters, but it’s tough to realize they’re not babies anymore. As I get off my soapbox, we move on.

TK & Rach and the Goths get to the airport where they research the Internet. Kynt says he identifies with TK & Rachel because they go off the beaten path like he and Vyxsin and I have to agree. Both teams have been on even keels throughout this race and have not allowed arguments to get in their way. They find the earliest flight through Czech Airlines whose airport ticket office opens at 4:30 a.m. TK & Rachel start forming the line there while the Goths keep looking for more flights at the computer.

Ron & Christina are able to reserve a flight from LOT Polish Airlines leaving Vilnius at 6:25 a.m. arriving in Dubrovnik at 11:25 that same morning.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Next to leave are Nathan & Jennifer. Now Jennifer says she’s been enjoying the race, but she does have regrets, the constant fighting. And she says the deciding factor of whether they stay together is how they get along in the race. Darling? If you use this as a measuring stick for your relationship, then it’s already half in the bag. As I’ve mentioned, we’ve seen relationships
go by the wayside on the race. Wil & Tara (well, that was finished before it had a chance to rekindle), Lenny & Karen, the aforementioned Peter & Sarah and so many others that this relationship is about even money to break up as well. We’ll see.

Azaria & Hendekea finally arrive at the airport and notice TK & Rachel sleeping in front of the Czech Airlines office. They decide to wait in line.

Last to leave the pit stop are Nicolas & Donald. This team has been fun to watch, but at the same time, sad, because the older Donald has had to undertake so many physical tasks while Nicolas has been content to watch on the sidelines. I’m kind of surprised he hasn’t volunteered to do more, but I don’t think he has any common sense to take the burden off his grandfather. Let’s see if this trend continues in this leg. Donald says he doesn’t like last place and it’s inspired him to give it his all.

Ronald & Christina decide when they arrive at the airport that even though they had reserved their ticket, they would line up with TK & Rachel and Azaria & Hendekea just to make sure they got a guaranteed spot on the plane. Good idea. Never leave things to chance, especially in the race because you never know. That’s our moral for today. Always check. This will come into play later on.

So eventually, the other two teams catch up and jump in line while Kynt & Vyxsin continue to search for flights on the Internet. This begins some 10 minutes of airport drama that I would like to skip, but I’ll chronicle it for you because I’ve gone this far, I might as well finish it.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Kynt & Vyxsin finally notice that the other teams have lined up at the Czech Airport ticket office and he wonders why they’ve done that. Vyxsin replies with the line you see at the left. This is the reason why they’re such a strong team. They don’t assume anything and they keep checking. So they correctly decide to go to a travel agent at the airport that handles more than one airline to see if they can’t find a better flight than the Czech Airline option. This is why the Goths are my odds-on favorite to win this race. They’re thorough. They’re fans of the race and know never to assume their first option is the best one. Of course, my odds-on favorite has lost all but once (BJ & Tyler were the only favorites of mine to win the US version and I did pick Joe Jer & Zabrina in the Amazing Race Asia, but that was before I had this blog, so you can throw out my opinions on this) and you can pretty much assume the Goths will be out soon.

Over to the Czech Airlines ticket office, Christina shares information with the siblings and instructs Azaria to call LOT Polish Airlines. Christina says the siblings are the only ones she can trust, so she covertly gives Azaria the particulars so he and Hendekea can make a phone call.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Kynt & Vyxsin go to the travel agent (check out the pink lights to match their pink hats) to check out flights. This does not go unnoticed by the other teams. Christina spots them and wonders if they’re getting tickets. Vyxsin notices that the other teams are pointing at them and Kynt replies they’re used to people pointing at them.

Jen asks Nathan if they should head over to the travel agent as well. She said the Goths had gotten into everyone’s heads making them think they had gotten something good. So the couple on the brink of breaking up head over to the agent, losing their place in line, but also questioning whether they should have left in the first place. Oh, the airport drama!

So Ron & Christina take a walk over to see what Kynt & Vxysin have. Ron tries to ask if the Czech Airlines office is going to open at 4:30 a.m. and Kynt invites him to get in line, but Ron somehow takes an affront and starts to talk in Mandarin Chinese. Christina apologizes to everyone so Ron goes back to the line and complains to TK while going into the history of China. Christina puts out this fire before it spreads to Croatia. By the way, if you have a chance to see the CBS webclips from last week, check out the one with Ron complaining about the French while he’s at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. It’s classic.

TK & Rachel decide not to panic and remain at the Czech Airlines office. Because people kept getting in and out of line, it allowed Nicolas & Donald to move up to second.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Over to the siblings, they’re having trouble getting their phone call through to LOT Polish Airlines. They give up and now they’re last in line. Hendekea has no idea when they’re getting to Croatia. Unfortunately, it’ll get much worse for them. As Azari
wants to make another phone call, Hendekea wants to return to the line. So he pulls her aside and starts to chastise her about her attitude. This is where the race starts to fall apart for the siblings.

The agent for Czech Airlines finally arrives to work and TK & Rachel are first in line. Cut to the Goths, Jen & Nathan look over and notice everyone starting to get booked for flights, so Jen asks if they should go back. This indecision is killing me. Just make a decision and get it over with! Nathan decides to stride back to the Czech Airline office which is just fine with Kynt & Vyxsin.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, TK & Rachel get their tickets on the flight going through Prague, departing at 6 a.m. and arriving at 11:20 a.m. They stress to the ticket agent they need tickets on Economy Class. This is important later so pay attention. Jen pokes her head into the ticket office and asks if seats are still available and indeed there are.

Azaria & Hendekea are heading upstairs to the ticket office after their blowout, but instead of letting it go, Azaria lets Hendekea have it about her decision not to call LOT Polish Airlines. She just stares into space as he’s feeling superior. Christina knowing what Hendekea’s feeling suggests the siblings go over to where Kynt & Vyxsin are since they’re last. They should realize that Christina hasn’t really helped them here forcing them to lose their place in line (albeit not intentionally) and is now sending them to an agent who might not help them. They go over and ask how many seats are on the Czech Airlines flight, but the Goths say they want to finish their transaction first.

Over to Czech Airlines, the agent asks Nic & Don if they want Business Class and they say no. If you follow The Amazing Race religiously, you’ll know that teams cannot buy a Business Class ticket unless they’re upgraded from Economy Class. This will come into play in this episode.

Ron & Christina decide to leave the Czech Airlines line and go over to the LOT ticket office to find that it opens at 5:30 a.m. Kynt & Vyxsin are informed of the LOT flight which goes through Warsaw so they’ll book that one and it will arrive in Dubrovnik at the same time as the Czech flight, 11:20 a.m. Ron & Chris finally get their tickets from the LOT office which has now opened and they stress they must buy Economy Class. They’re booked and they head over to the airline to check in.

Over to Azaria & Hendekea who are using the Goths’ ticket agent. He specifically asks for Economy Class. She books them on the LOT flight which leaves at 6:25 a.m., but Hendekea wants to do it fast, but Azaria tells her to relax. Nic & Don are able to get on the Czech Airlines flight which leaves at 6 a.m. Jen & Nathan ask for the same flight, but the agent says no because check-in is now closed. The couple appeal, but rules are rules. Remember this rules thing later. So they have to run to the ticket agent where Azaria & Hendekea are. Azaria tells them about the LOT flight and suggests they book it at another ticket agent down the hall so Jen & Nathan head there.

Azaria & Hendekea get their tickets, don’t check them and go downstairs to check in. Jen & Nathan are back at the Czech Airlines ticket office and they’re getting booked on the LOT flight. Are you following this? Do you see why I hate chronicling airport drama? I’ve written 14 paragraphs on booking flights and we haven’t even left Vilnius yet!

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Finally, TK & Rachel and Nicolas & Donald are boarding the 6 a.m. Czech Airlines flight to Dubrovnik which will go through Prague.

Kynt & Vyxsin have now checked in to board their flight while Jen & Nathan are stressing out, but they get their tickets and head to the gate.

Down at LOT Airlines, Hendekea asks if she and Azaria can get seats at the front of the plane. Then she gets the shock of her life. The tickets that were purchased are duh.. duh… duh… DUN….BUSINESS CLASS! Hendekea tells Azaria and this sets off panic! They run back to The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, the ticket agent who booked their flight to see if she can change it to Economy. They don’t have much time as the flight is about to leave.

In the meantime, Ron & Christina who may have effectively eliminated Azaria & Hendekea are able to get on board. Nathan & Jen are checking when they look at notice that the siblings are back inside the ticket agent’s office.

She apologizes and starts the process. Jen & Nathan are checking in and there’s just ten minutes to go before the flight leaves. They’re told to hurry up. Oooh, the drama!

The ticket agent now has to re-do her work, only this time in Economy. Kynt & Vyxsin, Ron & Chris and Nathan & Jen are all on board. And then, the siblings are informed that Economy Class is full. The flight takes off without them. Hendekea says, “We messed up bad.” Azaria says she wishes they would have stayed in line and not moved around so much. Now they’re in trouble. All Azaria can do is just give a blank look.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, They’ll take a flight into Dubrovnik going through Frankfurt and they book the flight making sure the tickets are in Economy Class. But the ticket agent gives the siblings a silver lining. The teams on the Czech Airlines flight going through Prague will experience delays and won’t meet their scheduled connection. The ticket agent tells them that their competitors won’t make it on time. This gives Azaria & Hendekea some hope. And Azaria says, “Cross your fingers and let’s hope that they don’t, right?” They all laugh.

At 7:20 a.m. (you really can’t trust the times the producers flash this season, but I’ll go along with it), TK & Rachel and Nicolas & Donald arrive in Prague. Their flight arrived late and both teams run to the terminal to make their connection, however, the gate is empty. The flight has departed at 7:27 a.m. leaving these two teams in the lurch.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, So TK & Rachel go to a ticket counter and are able to book a flight to Dubrovnik going through Vienna. Nicolas & Don try to get the same flight, but the flight is now full. He’s now getting the ticket counter whammy. After being rude to a ticket agent at a standby counter in the first leg and also being rude to a travel agent in Ouagadougou, Nicolas is finding booking a trip is not so easy. But he is able to book a flight to Dubrovnik going through Zagreb.

After spending most of the first half of this episode in airports, we’re finally seeing our first scenes in Dubrovnik. At 11:20 a.m., the LOT Polish Airlines flight arrives and Nathan & Jennifer run out of the airport hailing a cab right off the bat. They head to the Fort of St. Lawrence. Kynt & Vyxsin are next out of the terminal and they’re able to get a taxi as well. Ron & Christina are next and quickly grab a cab.

The views we see are absolutely beautiful and all of the three teams comment on how gorgeous Dubrovnik is. Knowing someone who lives there, she tells me the show didn’t do the city justice. It’s hard to do so with the fast pace of the show, but what I’ve seen is heavenly. Yes, I do want to go there.

Jen & Nate are out first quickly followed by the Goths who see a flag, but not a clue box. Ron & Chris are dropped off in another location and they’re able to get the clue. They’re asked, “Who has a builder’s eye,” which means we’ve reached a Roadblock.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, In this task, teams have to help in the renovation of city walls that were damaged by bombings in the Yugoslavia Civil Wars of the 1990’s. Teams will have to search through a pile of 150 stones, then find one that matches one of eight holes in a stone wall. When they have successfully completed the task, a Croatian stone mason hand them their next clue.

Ron volunteers to do it for his team and finds the stones. Christina tells him to take his time as they’re the first team at the Roadblock. So he goes through the stones and tries to insert them in the holes. Ron comments that the task is harder than he thought. Plus, the stones are heavy and as the holes get filled, the number of stones to fill them get smaller.

Over to JeNation and the Goths, they’re having trouble finding the clue box and are walking around aimlessly together.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Ron then finds a stone and it fits in one of the eight holes nicely. He’s able to get the next clue. They’re to go to the roof of the Fort of St. Lawrence. Once there, they’ll take a tandem zip line over the water to Fort Bocar where they’ll receive their next clue.

Finally, the other two teams in Dubrovnik, Jen & Nathan and Kynt & Vxysin consult a town map and are able to find where they’re supposed to go. They walk over where they will essentially be in a race for second. Jen says her now trademarked line, “This sucks!”

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Ron & Christina are now at the Fort of St. Lawrence where they’ll be strapped into the zip line to go to Fort Bocar. Ron who’s now flipped from being Ugly Ron to Funny Ron says, “I just ate. I might throw up my lunch.” Christina’s worried about dropping, but she’s been assured twice by the zip line company. She tells her dad not to close his eyes because they’ll never see the view again. How true. She can be smart sometimes. And they’re pushed towards Fort Bocar making to the other end in no time.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6,
After getting unhitched, they get their next clue and they find a Detour.

As we know,
a Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its pros and cons. In this Detour, teams will have to choose between two ways foreign armies may have tried to invade Dubrovnik, Short & Long and Long & Short.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, In Short & Long, teams will have to repel from the roof of Fort Bocar down to the base.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Once at the bottom, they’ll followed a marked path to up to the Old City Wall where they’ll use a rope ladder to scale to the top. They’ll then make their way on foot through Dubrovnik’s Old Town to a plaza where they will find their next clue. The hard physical part of this clue is relatively short, but then teams will have to navigate a long distance through confusing city streets to the plaza. But teams with a good sense of direction will be able to get an advantage.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, In Long & Short, teams use a tandem zip line to fly from Fort Bocar to the water below. Once at the bottom, they’ll swim a short distance to a floating platform…

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, …and choose one of six fishing boats. Then, they’ll row around the city walls to the harbor.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, And from there, they’ll run to the same plaza where they’ll find their next clue. The hard physical part of this task is much longer. But the short distance to the plaza is far less confusing. However, teams without extreme physical prowess could take a long time. Ronald & Christina decide to do the Long & Short as it will not be so confusing to get to the plaza.

Jen & Nate and the Goths find the clue box at the harbor and both men choose to do the Detour. Both try to find the proper stones to fit in the holes and it’s not as easy as it looks.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, At Fort Bocar, Ron & Christina get ready to take their second tandem zip line and they step off. This time, they’re not strapped in and hanging on for dear life, so it’s best not to have sweaty palms when gripping the zip line.

They splash into the water and swim towards the floating dock.

Over to the wall, Natedawg, as Jen calls him, has managed to find the right stone so he gets the next clue. They run to the Fort of St. Lawrence to do the first of their two tandem zip lines.

Ron & Christina have reached the dock and have chosen a fishing boat. As Ron starts to row, Christina suggests he turn around, rowing forward instead of rowing in the customary position, his back to the front. Ron protests saying he doesn’t have that type of muscle. The rowing is what got many teams into trouble in TAR10 because they didn’t know how to row. Ron was in the right position, but he’s starting to row unnaturally.

To the Fort of St. Lawrence and Jen screams as she and Nate go on their zip line to Fort Bocar. They’re having fun. It won’t last long, but as they look at their next clue, they decide to do the Long & Short task so they’ll be doing another zip line.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Over to Ron & Christina, he’s flailing as he’s trying to row forward. He protests and Christina realizes it’s not working so she tells him to go back to row the right way and he’s happy. But he adds, “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks at this stage of the game.” Well, at least in rowing.

Jen & Nate see Ron & Christina and feel they can catch up so they’re next to do the zip line. They step off the top of Fort Bocar, zip down and splash into the water.

Kynt is having a bit of trouble with the stones, but he does manage to find one that fits into a hole and with the stone mason’s approval, he’s able to get the next clue. So the Goths are the third to head on the zip line from the Fort of St. Lawrence to Fort Bocar.

Ron is finding the water rather choppy and he’s getting tired.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Nathan & Jen are now in their rowboat and it won’t be the water that will be choppy, it’ll be their relationship. Nathan now finds he doesn’t know how to row a boat. Jen then notes that a team is a ahead of them, so Nate who hasn’t learned anything from Jennifer’s Death Stare finds himself in Relationship Hell once again by snapping at her.

As he’s stressing out, he tells her, “Let me try and figure this out without you yapping in my ear every second!” Wrong move, Nathan.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, In a great bit of teamwork, Ron decides that Christina should take one oar whi
le he takes the other and they’ll both row to the harbor together.

Over to Jen, she’s taken an oar, trying to row forward, but doing it like one of those Tahitian rowers. She actually has a good idea here as she tries to make up some time on Ron & Christina, but Nathan’s tone is hardly encouraging. She tells him, “You’re the meanest person I’ve ever met sometimes.” He then replies, “You’re not even trying.” This relationship is floundering just like their boat.

Christina is smiling as she’s happy to be contributing and not sitting in the back of the boat as dead weight. Ron finally gets the dynamic as he says in his post-leg confessional, the relationship of the partner is critical to winning the race.

Jen is asking for encouragement from her partner, and she’s getting lip instead. If you thought this was bad, just wait.

The Goths are now on top of the Fort of St. Lawrence about to do their one and only tandem zip line. Once they’re unhooked from the zip line, Kynt decides to the Short & Long, the repel down the wall.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Christina & Ron see Jen & Nathan paddling or just sitting in the water. Jen asks him why he’s not paddling, then he raises his voice. She snaps at him saying, “I hate you. I hate you.” She’s pissed. She’s not happy at all. She adds, “This is so bad. I’m never going to be with you ever again.” After Nathan sarcastically says, “Goooood!” She says, “I hate you with a passion.” This is one of those scenes that’s uncomfortable to watch, but at the same time, you have to watch because you’re seeing a train wreck in progress. This is one of those defining moments in the JeNation relationship.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Over to a couple that gets along, Kynt & Vyxsin are strapping up for their repel down the wall of Fort Bocar. Vyxsin is the first to go down the wall and Kynt points out her father has a military background and has taken her out camping so he’s confident that she’ll do fine. And she rocks this part of the task rather easily.

Nathan finally says some encouraging words to Jen which she sarcastically accepts.

Kynt is doing the repel and he does it slowly, but surely.

Ronald & Christina are tying up their boat when Nathan spots them. He and Jen have almost caught up to the father-daughter team. As he gets out of the boat, Nathan almost has Jen spill into the water. If she had fallen in, imagine the Death Stare. No, I’m not posting it again. I’m waiting for a better moment.

So both Ron & Christina and Nathan & Jen are now looking for the plaza and asking for directions.

Over to the city wall, Vyxsin scales the rope ladder first and she’s able to do it in no time. For those of you who thought Goths can’t be physical in this race, you’ve now been proven wrong. She gets to the top easily. Kynt gets ready for his climb.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Despite all of their troubles in the water, Nathan & Jen find the clue box in the plaza first. Christina gets the clue literally right behind them. They’re instructed to go to the pit stop. Teams will now go four miles via taxi through Dubrovnik’s stone streets to the edge of the city, the Stone Cross overlook.

As Phil tells us, the Stone Cross, rising high above the city, is the pit stop for this leg of the race. The last team to check in, may be eliminated.

So Jen & Nate leave first to look for a taxi. Ron & Chris are next. Kynt & Vysxin are still at the city wall, as he’s trying to scale up the rope ladder. But he makes it to the top and the next thing for them to do is find the plaza. Vyxsin notes they’ve had trouble finding things in this leg.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Jen spots the Stone Cross and finds a taxi driver. He agrees to take them, but at the last minute, he notices that she and Nathan have been in the water and refuses to allow them to get into his car. So they look for another car to take them.

Ron & Christina are able to find a taxi and they head to the pit stop. Jen & Nathan spot them and cannot believe what is happening to them. She starts to cry and whine. Nathan tells her it’s ok, but she’s having none of it. She’s beginning to fall apart. She says, “Our relationship sucks!” Oh my!

Nathan stops a private car and Jen asks him if the driver can take them to the Stone Cross and agrees. This is against the rules. This has come into play with Tom & Terry who rode a motorcycle against the rules in Vietnam in TAR10 and again in the first Amazing Race Asia when Sahil & Prashant rode in a private car in New Zealand. So the couple get into the car and she explains why they the taxi would not take them and the guy says he can believe it.

In the meantime, Kynt & Vyxsin are navigating the streets while the second plane carrying TK & Rachel has landed in Dubrovnik at 2:39 p.m. They get a cab and are on their way to the Fort of St. Lawrence.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Over to Ron & Christina, they’ve arrived at the Stone Cross, greeted by one of five men firing off a small cannon. This will be fun to watch all the teams’ reaction. So they get on the mat and Phil tells them they’re team #1! Phil asks, “Who’s your daddy now?” And as their reward for finishing first, Ron & Christina have won a 12.5 foot catamaran. And Ron says the line of the day (not the title of the episode), “We know what that is!” Now, if you remember TAR 11, Charla & Mirna arrived first at a pit stop winning a catamaran and they had no clue what it was. Phil had to explain it. I’m not sure to this day that Mirna knows what a catamara
n is.

Nathan & Jen finally reach the pit stop, get startled by the gun, told that they’re second to arrive, then informed that they took illegal transportation (as Sharon & Melody told Sahil & Prashant when they saw them riding in a private car, “Rules, baby!”) and must go back to the detour finish point, get legal transportation, then come back so they can be checked in. As Jen gets back into the private car, she says, “This sucks!”

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, As they head back to the Detour finish point, Nathan says the title of the episode while Jen stares out the window. Now look at her stare! It’s worse than the Death Stare to Nathan, and this one is out the window. That’s true anger and she’s totally pissed. I’ve been the target of Death Stares before, but not like the ones Jen’s been giving to Nathan. Oh my God. That stare could kill someone at an instant. Compare this stare to the original Death Stare. That’s nasty. No two ways about it.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, I feel sorry for Nathan, but at the same time, this couple has brought it on themselves. This is their dynamic, but there’s only so much one can take in this type of relationship and it appears that Jen has reached her final rope.

Over to the Goths, they’ve reached the plaza and get their clue. They find a cab and head to the Stone Cross.

TK & Rachel have now reached the Roadblock and Rachel decides to do it. She knows it could take some time and TK suggests she enjoy the weather. Good attitude, these two.

Now with the volatile Jen & Nathan, they’re now heading to the Detour point and they’ve taken another clue. Why, I don’t know, but who’s going to stop Jen after that stare?

Rachel has found the right stone to fit snugly into one of the holes and she gets the next clue which have her and TK do the tandem zip line.

Now that Nathan & Jen have found a taxi, she’s crying uncontrollably. He tries to calm her down, but she says she doesn’t want to be there anymore.

At the pit stop, Kynt & Vyxsin check in as team #2.

TK & Rachel are now doing the zip line totally impressed by the view. After getting their clue, they decide to do the Short & Long, the repel down Fort Bocar.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Nathan & Jen pass the firing of the gun once again and she looks pissed. But they hit the mat officially in 3rd. And instead of a hug, Nate & Jen shake hands. Phil notices this and Jen says neither of them are happy with each other right now. And Jennifer says in her post-leg confessional that as far as her and Nate being together in the end, it’s unpredictable at the current time. That’s not good. In this leg, we saw what could be the beginning of the end for this team. Some couples have been able to recover, while others have not. If these two can be like Jason & Lorena and work on their problems, they might be able to survive. If they’re like Lenny & Karen or Peter & Sarah, it might be sayonara.

Nicolas & Donald finally arrive in Dubrovnik having no idea what place they’re in.

Over to TK & Rachel, she’s repelling down Fort Bocar with ease. TK is next and he’s doing it rather well.

The final flight to Dubrovnik carrying Azaria & Hendekea is arriving. Meanwhile, Nicolas & Donald have gotten to the harbor and after the reading the clue, Nicolas immediately volunteers gramps for another physical task. That’s really good, you lazy fuck. You let your grandfather do the ditch vault, then he does the mining in Ouagadougou and now this. You’re not Flo. Do a hard task for once, Nicolas.

Hendekea asks her taxi driver if he’s seen other teams and he says yes so she asks him to drive fast to the harbor. Donald is trying to fit the stones into the holes and this is under the hot sun. This is going to wear him out.

Rachel is now climbing up the rope ladder at the city wall and she makes it up ok.

Donald is looking for the stones to fit into the wall and Nicolas criticizes him for being too methodical. Why didn’t you do this one yourself? As Donald gets rejected again, he asks, “What kind of mason are you?”

Azaria & Hendekea are now heading towards the harbor while TK is now reaching the top of the city wall. Nicolas tries to encourage his grandfather but they don’t know if there’s anyone ahead or behind them at this point. As the sun gets hotter, Don says he’s tired. Nicolas holds his head in his hands, but what do you expect of an old man in the heat, Nic? Donald finally finds the right stone and is able to get the next clue. He’s completely drenched in sweat, but soon, he’ll have a chance to cool off in the water. They head to the Fort of St. Lawrence.

The siblings are lost trying to find the harbor and ask for directions.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, TK & Rachel make it to the Detour finish clue box and are instructed to head to the next pit stop. They find a taxi to take them to the Stone Cross.

Just before they take their zip line, Nicolas spots the siblings heading to the Roadblock clue so they know they’re ahead of at least one team.

Azaria does the Stones roadblock. Hendekea spots Nicolas & Donald on the zip line so they know that 5th place is in reach. Nic & Don get to Fort Bocar and they decide to do the Long & Short so gramps can rest in the boat. Oh, you think so, huh?

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Azaria tries to blow through the stones, but misses on his first attempt. Nicolas & Don take their second zip line, hit the water and swim towards the floating dock. Azaria then puts the right stone into the wall and the siblings then rush towards their first zip line.

TK & Rachel have made it to the Stone Cross after being startled by the gunshot and hit the mat in 4th.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, Azaria & Hendekea see Nicolas & Don in the fishing boat, gramps rowing, of course and push off to Fort Bocar. Nicolas tells Donald to row faster, but he’s tired from the stones. Why did Nicolas allow Donald to row? What is this, a fre
e ride, Nicolas? You said the boat was a chance for Donald to rest and you allow him to row the boat? Nicolas finally takes the oars. Man. It’s about time.

Azaria & Hendekea choose Long & Short and do their second zip line. As they hit the water, they swim to the floating dock to get their boat. So it’s Nicolas padding forward and Azaria rowing his boat for the siblings. It’ll be a race to the finish.

Nicolas can’t row to save his life. Azaria is making up some time. But Nicolas & Donald reach land first, tie up their boat and walk to get their next clue. Azaria finally reaches land. Nic & Don get their next clue and gramps tells Nicolas the wrong way to get a cab. The siblings now run to find their clue.

Nicolas & Donald are now walking the route of the other detour, through the confusing streets of the old town of Dubrovnik and the grandson is frustrated. Azaria & Hendekea reach the clue box and look to find a cab. Nicolas goes into a restaurant to ask how to find a cab and is pointed in the right direction. Hendekea sees the Stone Cross. But Nicolas & Donald find a cab first. Then the siblings get into a taxi and are on their way to the pit stop.

But on the way up the mountain, Nicolas & Donald hit traffic. Hendekea is pushing her cab driver to get to the top as fast as possible. Nic & Don are still stuck and not moving. Finally, the traffic eases and they head back up. Azaria tells the driver to pick up the pace.

Finally at the pit stop, it’s Nicolas & Donald walking up the stairs to the mat greeted by a gunshot and hitting the mat in 5th. Nic says, “Surviving by the hair of our chinny, chin chin,” but they’re barely in it again.

The Amazing Race 12 - Ep. 6, The siblings who have been a force to be reckoned with in this race finally hit the mat last and thus, eliminated from the race. Azaria says, “That sucks.” Hendekea says, “The thing that really sucks here is it wasn’t somebody that beat us. We beat ourselves.”

Azaria said he was impressed with Hendekea for putting up with him. Hendekea says she knows her brother is tough on her, but she also knows he wants her to go as far as she can and their relationship will only grow stronger. Azaria says a bit arrogantly that part of his job is to challenge Hendekea and he saw a fire that he never really saw before. And she says the race brought them closer together which is nice. I like her. I don’t necessarily like him, but they were a strong team, but they made some mistakes in this leg which cost them dearly.

Our order of finish:

1. Ron & Christina – their first of the race
2. Kynt & Vyxsin
3. Nathan & Jen
4. TK & Rachel
5. Nicolas & Donald
6. Azaria & Hendekea – eliminated

Coming up in two weeks, Don is stunned by a Fast Forward and Kynt loses faith in Vyxsin. See you then.

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