The Bane Connection

The Bane Connection

The May Edition
May 15th, 2007
Interview conducted by Senior Editor, Chuck Richter

Q: (Angelswin) – Eddie, what’s not to like about Brok Butcher’s start to the season. Can you shed some light on Brok and why he’s been so successful in such an extreme hitter’s league. He was the #1 Prospect in our Hotlist last week and his brother Jason Butcher who you signed in the past, shed some of his own thoughts on his little bro as well.

A: (Eddie Bane) – Brok is a pitcher that we signed late one year away from Cal State Fullerton. Much of the credit goes to area scout, Bobby DeJardin and Bill Pintard who runs the Foresters team in Santa Barbara. Bill has put together one of the top summer programs in the country and puts in countless hours with that club.
Brok has finally gotten over some injuries and is pitching like we thought he would. The Angels have a great relationship with CS Fullerton and George Horton. George gets his share and so do the Angels, but we never walk away with hard feelings after the negotiations. Not the usual thoughts that people would have with pro and college baseball, but in reality we both have the same goals. We both want to make the players as good as possible.

Q: (Angelswin) – Darren O’Day is another one that most Angels fans or those that follow prospects haven’t heard about. What can you tell us about him? A scouting report of sorts. He seems to be flourishing as a closer in Rancho Cucamonga. He hasn’t given up an earned run yet in 10+ innings, fanning 11 thus far.

A: (Eddie Bane) – Darren is another Kotchman sign. He is an under hander and his different look along with good stuff gives him a chance to be a major league reliever.

Q: (Angelswin) – Another new face to us Angels fans is southpaw Douglas Brandt from Oceanside, CA. Since being moved into the rotation he hasn’t given up more than 1 earned run in each of his 4 starts, posting an ERA of 0.91 with 30 K’s in 29 innings. Like Butcher and O’Day, what can you tell us about Brandt?

A: (Eddie Bane) – We will know more about Mr Brandt when he gets to a higher level. He is doing what he should do in A ball. He is a lefty with average stuff and will throw plenty of strikes. That always give a pitcher a chance.

Q: (Angelswin) – Injury updates. How are Tommy Mendoza, Ryan Aldridge and Trevor Bell progressing?

A: (Eddie Bane) -Tommy and Ryan are both working at our site in Arizona. The facility is the same place that benefited Nick Adenhart and others. It is a great place to get players back to health. Trevor is already back off the DL. In this day and age where the investments are greater we always want to error on the side of caution. Gamers like those 3 want to just keep on pitching. But, the best thing for all 3 is to go slow. Both Ryan and Tommy have had an opportunity to impress Mike and his staff and they are both on Mike”s radar after spring training. That is a great place to be.

Q: (Angelswin) – Terry Evans is on fire of late in Salt Lake and his season last year is looking more like a true testament of his ability, rather than a fluke. He’s flashing 5 tools out there for the Bees, must be exciting for the organization to land a player of his caliber for a guy we were looking to dump off to another team. Props to Stoneman! What are the scouts saying about Evans?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Gary Sutherland and his professional staff do a great job. When they see a prospect at 2A or even A ball they will file a report. His staff saw a player that was under the radar with St Louis. Some players come into their ability a little later than others. Terry is no exception. He always had the tools and now the use of them is catching up. Bill pulled the trigger and was able to land Evans. Jeff Weaver got back to being himself for St Louis so both teams won which makes for a great trade.
Evans does have all 5 tools that you are looking for in a position player. Hit, arm, run, power and field. Or as great old time scout, Birdie Tebbetts used to call it, HARPF. Birdie always wanted a HARPF player. Evans has all those tools and now the trick is to use them at Mike’s level. We think he can do it.

Q: (Angelswin) – Though the stats don’t reflect it, who has impressed you thus far, 6 weeks into the season?

A: (Eddie Bane) – All of our young players in Cedar Rapids are doing really well. Dan Radcliff’s work with Matt Sweeney and him signing quickly last year has helped him skip a year of development. He started the season with a huge hitting streak. He also helped himself by working hard on his defense.

Hank Conger is hitting some homeruns and calling a good game. Mark Trumbo is starting to warm up. Power is the last useable tool to come in games and Mark is realizing that. The guys that get lost by the fans at this time of the year are the youngsters in extended spring. Jung struck out 10 guys in 4 innings the other day. Robert Fish is throwing 92 mph at times and for a left-handed pitcher his command has improved and we are very happy with him.

Clay Daniel has brought in another crop of international players that are going to make an impact and some of them could be another Aybar or even a Frankie. At least we can always dream about some of them becoming like Frankie although Frankie is a really huge goal to have for a young player.

Nick Adenhart, as long as he stays healthy, has been incredible for a 20 year old young man.

Q: (Angelswin) – Lastly; with the Orem Owlz season about to embark upon us, who are you excited to see in action this season for the Owlz? Who should we keep an eye out for?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Obviously we want to see Young IL Jung from Kwanjiu. He has a big arm, but his ability to pitch is equally impressive. A couple of the Latin arms that are in extended spring can throw really hard. Fish will be fun to watch. A lot of the team in Orem will be the hs arms we took in last years draft. Conger and Sweeney are the exception rather than the rule as they were able to skip Orem because they signed quickly and got out to play.

Tom Kotchman will make them better players in their 2 and a half months in the Pioneer League. The draftees will be best served by getting out and playing ASAP.

(Angelswin) – Like always Eddie, we truly appreciate your time and efforts. You got a ton of fans and they look forward to this monthly piece.
(Eddie Bane) Once again to Chuck and the Angels fans, I want to thank you for your interest. We have the 58th pick in the draft and should be able to supply Angel fans with some exciting selections. I know you guys won’t agree with all of them, but my guys have put in a ton of air miles and hotel nights trying to find the best possible prospects for us to sign. And, when you do not agree with some of our selections it is good to voice your opinion. That is what good scouting is about. You have to have thick skin in the scouting business and if nothing else we all have a thick shell and can take some criticism.

Thanks for reading this Angel information.


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