The Best of Rick Jeanneret

If you have ever watched a Buffalo Sabres game on TV (and I’m talking about the local feed), then you’ve certainly heard the uncanny, exciting and sometimes incoherent Rick Jeanneret. Jeanneret has been the Sabres play-by-play man since 1971. He started on the radio, and moved to TV for the 1995-96 season. Jeanerret has some of the best, most unique and exciting calls in the business, which is exactly why he’s been in the business for so long.

Love him or loathe him he’s certainly one of the most colorful characters out there, and he’s a hell of a lot better to listen to than Doc Emerick who, by the way, still doesn’t realize that there’s a different between doing play-by-play on the radio and doing it on television. But seriously, he’s a sweet old man; how could you possibly loathe him? Not to mention the guy gets more excited for a Sabres’ goal than most people do for the birth of a child. You’ve got to love it. Anyway, thanks to YouTube here are some of the best calls from Jeanneret, and if you check out his Wikipedia page, there is much more goodness.

2007 Eastern Conference Semis; Rangers vs. Sabres, Game 5
Chris Drury ties its up in the closing seconds and everyone including Jeanneret absolutely loses it.

Daniel Briere is the cookie monster… um. Ok.

And I might as well just cut to the chase and give you the Rick Jeanneret Top 10, thanks to Sportscentre.

Ballhype – The Best of Rick Jeanneret
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