NEWS FLASH: Jeremy Jacobs is one rich mother fucker. So goddamn rich that he has an equestrian palace in some uber-rich town in Florida where he goes to during the winter while he bends over fans watching the Bruins play. Seriously, look at the above image and think of that next time you spend $8 on a beer or drop over $100 on last row seats in the balcony.
Anyways, some Boston local businessman Mark Bellissimo moved in on Jacobs' territory and is causing all the crazy rich folk to lose their shit down there. It's the ultimate Rich White People Problem story. Give it a read if you so inclined to learn about the struggles of owning barns bigger than most people's apartments. Anyways, here's our favorite quotes from this story:
"It just got to the point where I said, This guy really doesn’t understand the sport. From my view at the outset, it was all about development.” — Lou Jacobs, who probably doesn't understand the irony of a Jacobs saying that.
“A big night out for us growing up was going to Faneuil Hall on the Green Line, and just hanging out and getting a Regina’s pizza, and watching street performers. It was some of the best memories I have of my childhood.” — Mark Bellissimo name dropping to make himself look like a regular ol' chap.
“With the circus atmosphere that’s being promoted, I think we’ve lost a certain amount of high-class dignity,” said Michael Whitlow, a board member of the Wellington Equestrian Preservation Alliance, a group set up by the Jacobs family to support their interests. “I would like to see Wellington be the elite of the elites. The absolutely crème de la crème, the top of the top, as opposed to something for everybody.”
Here's a bit about Ballissimo wanting to have an Akon concert in town:
“That didn’t go over too well,” said Mason Phelps, a former equestrian who today serves as a Jacobs family spokesman in Wellington. “Nor did we want to attract the kind of people the Akon concert would attract to this community…. The people that go and listen to and like Akon are not Wellingtonites. It’s just a different crowd of people. I don’t mean to sound like a snob, but this is a fairly upscale community, and we don’t need to bring the low- and middle-income hooligans into town and have them all of a sudden say, Wow, good pickins’ out here.”
Holy shit that last quote.
Nothing better than rich white people getting into legal battles over horses and other bullshit.
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