The Bills Make Me Wanna…Not Do Much Of Anything

The Bills Make Me Wanna...Not Do Much Of Anything

Hi, my name is Shelby, and I am NOT a fan of the Buffalo Bills.

You think growing up in a mostly football crazy area that I would at least become a fan of the sport itself, but I haven’t. I never liked it while I was growing up and hockey has always taken a precedence over all other sports with me anyways. I never look forward to Mondays during the football season where everyone is talking about what happened the night before, or how badly the Bills were beaten. Maybe it’s the negativity that pushes me away from the team. I have honestly attempted to get into the team the past few seasons, but as soon as training camp begins for the Sabres, I immediately forget that the Bills are even around. Perhaps that’s thanks to the generation gap. I’m only twenty years old so when I was a wee little one, that was the last time the Bills made it to the Super Bowl. The last time they made it to the playoffs? I was eight. It’s been a good twelve years since then.

Many of the feelings I have for the Bills are due to these past twelve years. Because of the Bills not selling out many of the games, a lot of them were blacked out on TV and only available through the radio. As a sports fan, I dislike listening to any sport on the radio and that includes hockey. I have to visualize everything. I avoid the radio as much as possible. Now that a lot of them are shown on TV, I can try and understand what the hell is going on down on the field. I know some rules of the game but not many and I’m turned off by the fact the clock seems to stop every twenty seconds. Of course, I always realize that there’s something worse – like basketball. No offense, basketball. If I manage to get into that sport within the next ten years…but I digress.

The Bills Make Me Wanna...Not Do Much Of Anything

Another thing that might have to do with me disliking football as a whole is that I did not grow up with watching the sport. Besides it not being on TV, even if it was, I really had no one to watch it with. Corey is eight years older than I am so there was an age gap there. My siblings and I were all close growing up but me not being able to understand the sport yet and being a kid, I didn’t feel like sitting around to watch a football game. A lot of people that I know that are Bills fans were brought up watching the sport with their dad, grandfather, brother, etc. My father passed away when I was at a young age of two and I know that he loved to watch the Bills. I never had the opportunity, like others, to sit down and watch a game with my dad. I think having him around would have been a huge help if I had developed into a Bills fan growing up. I became an obsessed Sabres fan mostly on my own terms and watching them made an overall bad year do a complete 180 for me. It could be why I think I’m so attached. I have no sentimental memories with watching the Bills at all.

I am honestly hoping I can change that this upcoming season. I plan on sticking with the Bills until the end and attempting to watch every single game, unless I’m working. I decided that I need something to watch during the offseason for hockey as well and football may be a good place to start. I’ve already taken the initiative to follow the Bills on Twitter and stay sort of up-to-date with their signings and such. It’s a good start. I hope the Bills bandwagon has room for one more newbie at this whole thing.

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