The Byrds Part 2

The Byrds Part 2Alfred Hitchcock’s movie The Birds was filmed right here in Sonoma County in Santa Rosa and Bodega Bay. Tonight we had The Birds Part 2 as Paul Byrd took on the Blue Jays in Toronto in his second start for the Red Sox. The Nation will be happy with this one; Byrd did just what he was supposed to do, the offense delivered and the bullpen looked good. Didn’t I tell you not to panic? Granted it was just one game, but this one was very good win for Boston. The Red Sox came from an early deficit fueled by yet another homer from Tek. Sox batters were patient at the plate and the hits came from all parts of the lineup. Coco went 3-4! The pen looked great tonight; Masterson gave up a hit an a couple of walks but still seemed to be in control in his scoreless inning. Okajima was perfect in the eighth and Paps closed the door in the ninth.

Sox Win 8-4 BOX SCORE

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