The Colts “Under report” Injuries

The Colts are 31st in the league in the difference between ‘expected games lost’ and actual games lost. They actually lose far more games to injury than they report.

I was surprised to see teams like Kansas City and Indianapolis on the other side of the coin. Tennessee, which finished fourth, wasn’t as surprising: At points during Jeff Fisher’s tenure, the Titans have stopped listing players as “Probable” altogether. That’s no longer the case, but it’s a sign of how Fisher views the injury report. The real difference in how Fisher uses the report nowadays is when players are listed as “Questionable.” The difference in expected games missed by “Probable” Titans players is pretty tiny (eight actual games missed vs. 6.4 expected games missed in 91 instances), but Titans players listed as “Questionable” have missed 69 games versus 59.2 expected misses (in 133 instances).


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