The Competition Is Taking Its Shots at ESPN

Thanks to both Neil Best and Awful Announcing for the following link. John Ourand of Sports Business Journal has a really good enterprise story in this week’s issue about a Power Point presentation that’s been making the rounds at various league offices and at ad agencies about how ESPN’s multi-platform approach has not been raising ratings for its TV partners, in fact, the report says it’s been hurting them.

In his story, Ourand looks into the slide presentation section-by-section and outlines some of the issues that it raises. The report cites a downturn in ratings for ESPN properties Monday Night Football, the NBA and the Arena Football League.

In the piece, Ourand says ESPN has drawn up its own presentation to rebut the statements made in the critical report. And in a sidebar story, Ourand has ESPN’s response point-by-point.

And finally, Ourand talks to several bloggers including Best and Awful Announcing about their likes and dislikes about the Alleged Worldwide Leader. I guess John forgot to contact me. I’m joking about that. The story is quite fair and balanced and brings in all sides.

The good thing is that SBJ is allowing people to read this story for free so enjoy it this week.

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