The Daily Dunk: Austin Rivers Serves up an Oop Facial

The Daily Dunk is a regular feature on The Hoops Manifesto where we search the many corners of the internet to find the best dunk videos to save you the time and trouble.  Consider it your one-stop shop for rim-rattling, death-defying, baby-crying, slam-jamming dunkerific fun.  Today’s installment: Austin Rivers serves up an alley-oop facial.

The top-rated player in the class of 2011, Austin Rivers (Doc’s son and future Dookie) might not end up being a better NBA player than his Pops, but he sure can jump a hell of a lot higher than his old man ever did.  Recently he served up an alley-oop facial on an unwitting high school defender

Recent Daily Dunks: Larriques Cunningham Strikes Again, Stephen Curry’s 70-Foot Oop.

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