The David Lighty Waiting Game

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U will see me in the NBA I promise u that…..less than a minute ago via TweetCaster for Android The David Lighty Waiting Game Favorite The David Lighty Waiting Game Retweet The David Lighty Waiting Game Reply

When David Lighty fell off the NBA draft board late last week, it was more than just a surprise to Buckeye fans. For four years, we watched this gritty defender frustrate offensive talent completely out of their games.

For the past two seasons, we’ve seen him step up and be the leader of some of the best young talent in the nation. In a down year for draft talent, it seemed inevitable that the Cleveland native would be selected for his intangibles that you can’t really teach.

But when the hometown Cavs passed over him with the 24th pick in the second round, the realization that the NBA covets promise over character and accomplishment sunk in.

Now after hearing every mispronounced name in the book called from the podium before him, David Lighty will have to wait even longer to officially be signed by an NBA team. With the Collective Bargaining Agreement expiring before free agents can sign with teams, it could be a long wait for the Buckeye guard.

But already Lighty is busy looking for his next destination.

The Cavaliers, Pistons, Suns, Spurs, Hornets and Hawks have all shown some sort of interest.

And though nobody is likely to sign him right away, all of these teams are a great fit. The Suns fit his athletic ability, the Spurs present him solid playing time with his defensive ability, and the Cavs and Pistons could use anybody with his type of talent and demeanor.

But for David Lighty, the best fit is down south with Larry Drew and the up and coming Atlanta Dirty Birds Hawks.

Despite not drafting him, the Atlanta coaching staff has made it clear that they like his ability. Lighty has been taking part of in a mini-camp with unsigned players including former Illini guard Demetri McCamey and San Diego State’s Malcolm Thomas.

I think it’s safe to say that Hawks head coach Larry Drew is in love with the 6’6″ Lighty.

The David Lighty Waiting GameThe David Lighty Waiting Game

Lighty is a gutsy defender. He can defend maybe three positions. That is what we are looking for as we move into next summer. I want guys that can defend where it’s already instilled in him, it’s in their DNA. Lighty has been a tremendous defender throughout his career and certainly he would be a plus to have on this team

What you see is what you get with Lighty, but Drew is the perfect type of coach to make use of his abilities. The Hawks play an up tempo style that fits Lighty well and he will be able to play behind one of the best guards in the game today in Joe Johnson. Beyond that, Lighty adds a lot of depth at a rather weak spot in the Atlanta roster.

But that doesn’t mean the fan in us can’t hope he stays home and brightens a very ugly Cleveland backcourt alongside that Dukie who was drafted first overall.

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