The Eddie Bane Connection, July Edition

The Eddie Bane Connection, July Edition

Q: (Angelswin) – Christopher Pettit, wow what more can I say? This guy has been on an absolute tear this year, especially after his promotion to High-A ball in Rancho Cucamonga. What can you tell us about Pettit, is he really a full package of speed, power and disciplined at the plate? How do you rate his defense and arm, and what position do you see him playing in the future, a corner OF spot or centerfield?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Chris is a good baseball player first and foremost. He is going to hit no matter where he plays. His spot will be as a corner outfielder more than likely and he will make himself into a good defender no matter where we put him. His bat is going to be his best tool and no question about that. We are very happy to have Chris and in a hs organization like ours it is great to have a player with a college background come through as Petit has.

Q: (Angelswin) – Eddie, is it safe to say that the minor league player of the year at this stage is Brok Butcher? This guy pitched lights out in the Cal League which is a notorious hitters league and now he has two solid starts under his belt in Arkansas, Double-A. I’ve corresponded with his brother Jason and we see a lot of Fausto Carmona and Brandon Webb as someone to compare with, with that sinking fastball, solid changeup and slider of his. What is the talk around the scouts table regarding Brok Butcher?

A: (Eddie Bane) – First of all Chuck I would jokingly say that it is not best to get a scouting report from a players brother. My mom thinks I should still be pitching.(LOL). Seriously Brok is having a great year, but I would not be giving out the player of the year honor just yet. We have over a month to play in the Minor Leagues. Brok is certainly on the list though. He does have a good sinker, but Brandon Webb is on a different planet. If he gets to that point then both Brok and Eddie Bane will be really happy.

I would think others on the list for player of the year would be Schoeniger, Sweeney, Trumbo, Petit, Sean Rodriguez, Adenhart and a few others. People somehow forget that Nick Adenhart is 20 years old and dominating in 2A. Also Conger was having a big year before getting hurt in Cedar Rapids.

Q: (Angelswin) – What’s going on with Hank Conger? Injury? if so what’s his prognosis?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Hank had a problem with his back and is very close to being ready to play again. Hank was playing very very well and we are thrilled with his progress. Great makeup, great learner, great kid and a great talent. Everything we could want in a player in his first full season. He and Sweeney have both exceeded expectations this year.

Q: (Angelswin) – Nick Adenhart has been a lot better after his stint on the DL. Have their been any changes to his mechanics or were the #’s that were not all that spectacular before the DL stint, a result of the injury?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Nick dominated at the beginning of the season in Arkansas. Went through a tough stretch and is now dominating again. We do not have anyone else pitching as good as Nick right now with the possible addition of Sean O’Sullivan.

Q: (Angelswin) – Miguel Gonzalez has come out of nowhere, what can you tell us about the right-handed hurler that boasts a 2.98 ERA in 13 starts in Double-A this year.

A: (Eddie Bane) – Abe Flores and Bo Hughes found Miggy pitching in an adult league in Los Angeles. We signed him and gave him a chance, but he took the ball and ran with it. Now, he is throwing harder and has a chance if he keeps improving a little more.

Q: (Angelswin) – Rich Thompson & Darren O’ Day have been lights out this year in relief. Since the Angels could use some bullpen help, could you see them as potential September call ups?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Bill Stoneman’s department. But, they both have been very good. My son, Jaymie who is a big league scout for the Red Sox watched Thompson in the Futures game and raved about his fastball. O’Day has that tough Laredo angle to hit against and will always have a chance to be a good major leaguer.

Q: (Angelswin) – With the trading deadline just less than a week away and the Angels are starved for a power hitter, are there any prospects in the organization that the Angels feel are can’t miss, untouchables? or if the right guy can be had, is anyone is available?

A: (Eddie Bane) – I still believe that Bill and Arte”s approach has been really solid and almost flawless. People want Brandon Wood, Adenhart, Morales, Butcher, Bourjos and all the other prospects we have. They will have a very tough time getting those players. We are happy with what we have and the facts that other teams would kill to be in our position. This organization is going to win now, but is built for the long haul and will also win in the future. The top power prospects we have are Brandon Wood, Mark Trumbo and Matt Sweeney. Some of those are closer than others. Also remember that Juan Rivera is working very hard in Arizona to help us at some point this season. Juan had great power numbers in 2006.

[Angelswin] As always Eddie, we thank you for your time and efforts. Your fans are many in the community

[Bane, Eddie] Thanks folks for putting up with my stuff and as always these are just my opinions and I certainly welcome your thoughts and disagreements just as much as I want to hear from my scouts when they want to tell me I am crazy for thinking the way I do.

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