The Eddie Bane Connection, June Edition

The June Edition
May 15th, 2007
Interview conducted by Senior Editor, Chuck Richter
The Eddie Bane Connection, June Edition

Q: (Angelswin) – So, to start off Eddie, why don’t you give me an overview of the 2007 draft and how you think the Angels did this year.

A: (Eddie Bane) – Every club in baseball always thinks they did great right after the draft and the Angels are no exception. We are doing very well on the signings so far and will have a few more to announce shortly.

Q: (Angelswin) – What are the chances of signing Matt Harvey? Some reports have suggested that this could be difficult and that the Angels rolled the dice with their 3rd round pick selecting him, because of the uncertainty of him signing.
A: (Eddie Bane) – Matt Harvey was projected to go very high in the draft by the so-called experts. Matt was available with the 118th pick of the draft and we selected him. That is all I really want to say on that situation right now.

Q: (Angelswin) – Lots of pitching selected in this draft. Was that because there were more quality pitchers in the draft or is it something the Angels wanted to target in this draft?

A: (Eddie Bane) – No Chuck, our staff never targets anything and we will take any position available. Catching was something that we did not really go after this year because we are happy with our catching although you can never have enough at that position. But, Conger and our big league guys are doing really well so far.

Q: (Angelswin) – What can you tell us about the first 3 pitchers selected in this draft, in Jonathan Bachanov, Matt Harvey & Ryan Brasier?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Jon Bachanov has a big arm, very good pitchers body and the makings of a good breaking ball. He will be one of the harder throwers in the complete draft by it is all said and done. Brasier has a big arm also and is a converted guy so it will take some time to get him acclimated to the mound. Fresh arm though. Harvey is a guy we will have to wait to talk about. Lots of people read your stuff Chuck and I do not want to give any agents an extra jump on me and use that stuff against me. LOL is what I think the kids write when they are kidding.

Q: (Angelswin) – Outfielder, Trevor Pippin was the first non pitcher selected in the draft, with the 4th round pick. What can you tell us about Trevor?

A: (Eddie Bane) – Trevor is a guy that looks like I guy we signed when I was with the Dodgers, Todd Hollandsworth. Same type body and same type swing. Trevor runs well enough that we will give him a shot in center at some point. Pippin has a nice at least average arm also.

Q: (Angelswin) – Every year it seems like the Angels steal someone in the draft late, who should we be looking at this year as a potential gem taken in the draft?

A: (Eddie Bane) – It is easy to see that we drafted Robles, Viramontes and some of the others as summer draft and follows. With that rule now taken away we have to evaluate these young men now. I will know more on that question when I see more of the crop that we did not just draft, but the guys we signed also.

Q: (Angelswin) – Lastly, which of all the players drafted has the best chance to make it to the big leagues the fastest?
A: (Eddie Bane) – The player that we drafted that has played the most and comes from a great background is Andrew Romine, our 5th round pick. He is the shortstop at ASU. Father played in the major leagues and has a brother that was also drafted. Andrew has a very good glove, plays the game correctly but has went backwards with the bat while at ASU. He is in the CWS right now and after Omaha is over with we hope to get Andrew out playing as quickly as possible as we think we can help him with the bat.

As always Eddie, we thank you for your time and efforts. Your fans are many in the community!

(Eddie Bane) Thanks guys, and thanks for doing the columns. I hope they spark some debate and keep Angel fans up to date on what we are doing out on the trails.

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