Ok, I have seen a few people do this lately and it got me thinking. I thought this would be easy but you know, it really is hard to think of five specific reasons. Here is what I have come up with. They are in no particular order…
1. Watching the puck get stopped. Whether it is a defense man or a goalie, I love watching how they stop the puck. It can be the most exciting aspect of a game on some nights. I find it way more fascinating then watching someone score a goal.
2. But I do love the sheer joy when some players score a goal. Whether its a superstar like Ovenchicken or a guy like Carcillo who doesn’t score often, it is exciting to watch the way they light up after putting the biscuit in the basket. Case in point:

Does he not look totally happy to have just scored? This is what I am talking about. The real, pure joy. The of the moment joy. The not your typical fist pump of hey, I score a lot. But the spontaneous reaction to scoring a goal, any goal. I don’t care about the goal, I just love the reaction. I don’t think any other sport offers those kind of reactions. For awhile the Packers did in football but jumping into the crowd or the first player to do a touch down dance, but now its expected. Its overused. I want to see the pure happiness, the little kid coming out when a goal is scored.
3. I love the opening videos/ceremonies at the games. Maybe it’s the music but it really gets me ready to go. I especially liked the Coyotes video when they had the strobe lights and Linkin Park pumping through the arena. I knew it was game on.
4. Warm Ups. I don’t know why but it is so much fun to go and sit in your “usual” spot and have the guys see you there, supporting them. It’s fun to watch how they react to the different signs. I love watching Shane Doan find the little kids and toss them pucks. I always like to see who is the last one off the ice. I love trying to guess which goalie is going to be in based on the warm ups. I like watching them interact and goof around with each other. Overall it just adds to the experience of the game.
5. Friends. They really make the game fun. I have gone to games alone and its not nearly as fun as being there with your friends.
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