Check out the looks on the faces of the guys in the front row? Absolutely priceless. I would have been angry that Thaddeous Young was dumb enough to leave Ray on that play. If Philly coach Tony DiLeo said one thing in the huddle it should have been "Thaddeus, do not leave Ray Allen, no matter what."
As for the play which lead to the game winning shot:
"Coaches think too much sometimes," Rivers said. "That was the play I drew up originally. When they called the 20-second, I changed the play. Then [Rajon] Rondo and Ray said they liked the first play and talked me into running the original play. Thank God they did."
As for KG, I cannot imagine he won't play against the Lakers:
"Kevin is feeling better," Rivers said. "I doubt we'll practice as a team, but we'll do something with him [today] just to get his wind back.
We'll need him. There's a good chance Big Baby will still be sore after playing 42 minutes last night.
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