The Hip Hop Manifesto Book Review: Mo’ Meta Blues

Warning: Mo Meta' Blues: The World According to Questlove, Ahmir 'Questlove' Thompson's newly released memoir will make you lose sleep.  Not because it is nightmare inducing, but rather it is so good you'll have a hard time putting it down at night to go to sleep.  That's how good this book is.

It's not as if I'm a massive, massive Roots fan, either – I enjoy their stuff and respect them, but they aren't among my ultimate favourite rap groups.  But their leader and drummer's memoir is among my ultimate favourite music memoirs ever.  Written in a easy going, conversational flow, Thompson (along with co-author Ben Greeman, with frequent written interruptions from Roots manager Rich Nichols) tells the story of his life, and in process, the story of hip hop.  Anyone who is anyone in the music world pretty much makes an appearance, from a roller skating Prince to an emaciated J Dilla shortly before his death.  Throughout, Questlove's absolute passion and love of music jumps off the pages.  An absolute must-read.

Grab a copy here:



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