The Hits Keep Coming, More Michigan Fun

The Hits Keep Coming, More Michigan Fun
Michigan Football

This is probably piling on, but hey, that doesn’t make it any less funny.

History’s taught us Rich Rodriguez will try to win now

First of all, what a title. I am glad that Rodriguez is going to start trying to win now… what was he doing in his first two seasons?

The whole article is humorous, here are some highlights:

You know it’s bad for a guy when Joe Biden can use your name at a memorial service and turn it into an applause line. An applause line! I’ve been to a few funerals and memorial services and I have never heard applause at the mere mention of a single person. With the departure of Matt Millen, Rodriguez has quickly become the least popular person in Michigan sports. And in some ways, you have to give him credit for a near-meteoric rise. On the field and off, almost all the Michigan Football news has been bad. And almost all of it can be attributed to him.

Yeah, that is pretty bad (if you don’t know what this is referring to, check out the 2:10 mark in this video).

1. He desperately wants to win.

2. He believes strongly that he has the right philosophy to win.

Supposedly Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I don’t know if he actually said that or not, but whoever said it, I think it applies nicely in this instance.

And finally:

So if this is a do-or-die season for Rodriguez, I have little doubt that he’ll treat it the same way that he treated his first two. That’s the good news. The bad news is that we all saw how those two turned out.

And with that, I am done covering the train wreck that is Michigan football for awhile (unless something particularly hilarious comes up, which seems to happen quite a bit these days).

Is it juvenile to laugh at them while they are down? Probably. But it is a long off season, and you can only rehash the same topics so many times before they become stale.

Michigan football will rebound (eventually), and the greatest rivalry in the history of sports will be restored, but for now let’s just sit back and enjoy the circus.

Also, for some administrative whatnot, I am going to try to start posting things on a schedule for the off season.

Position analysis on Mondays, recruiting updates on Tuesdays, some sort of historical analysis on Wednesday or Thursday, and then something lighter for the weekend (like some Michigan comic relief).

If you have any suggestion for things you would like to see just let me know.

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