This weekend proved fruitful for Purple Jesus in our attempt to track down an elusive Vikings cheerleader. After our initial call for help on Friday, we received one ambiguous comment from reader and Vikings fan ACM90 claiming that he currently works with a Vikings cheerleader, Kelly.

Kelly, a noted four year veteran on the Vikings cheerleading staff, would be a fantastic interview, IMHO IYAM. Her experience and insight would be unparalleled, and her freedom of not being a captain (Damn it, Kelly, when will they finally give you the privilege??), I’m guessing, would allow her to broach many subjects casually that others may be hesitant to talk about. The door of opportunity is opening …
As a recap, to keep our one reader aware of what is happening with all of this, I was able to get in contact with ACM90 and asked if he would be willing to check in with Kelly about a casual interview. ACM90 eventually contacted me back saying that he had interactions with Kelly where she sounded honestly excited to partake in the interview. Naturally, she must have responded in such a fashion before she found out who would e “interviewing” her. Kelly, if you’re reading this now, sorry for the let down, but we’re still interested.
At this time, we have not heard from her. But if Kelly happens to stumble upon this site and read this posting while accidentally Google searching herself, let’s give her some further impetus for interviewing with us. We could offer to pay you, but that would seem rather sleazy, and quite frankly, we’re doing this whole thing for free. Our site would be a better option than other sites, because we have zero interest in asking you what your favorite movies are, or what your most inspirational quote is. While we are sure that those items would be fascinating to hear, we also feel that the general public would be interested in a little more depth of questions than that. Finally, we also feel that this is a unique opportunity to do something different with the fan base, reach out and solidifying yourself as an integral part to the Viking experience. You know, in a way where you wouldn’t have to actually talk to any smelly, overweight Viking fans.
At this time, ACM90 said he forwarded on our e-mail address to her and some general info and ideas about the interview (I can’t give those all away on site here, otherwise why would you come back? It’s definitely not for the bad jokes …). Hopefully, Kelly is still taken with the idea and decides contacts us. But for now, we do have a front runner for the interview, although if Kelly for some crrrrazzzy reason decides to decline the invitation, we would still be open to other possibilities.
In addition, we have been getting great feedback from people elsewhere, mainly Viking fans but some general football fans as well, on questions they would like us to ask a cheerleader that has been involved with football for a while. If you have some yourself, feel free to leave them in the comments.
But seriously, Sage, I know you had mini camp all weekend, but damn, why are you not giving us a lead here? Unbelievable.
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