When we last checked in on our futile attempt to interview a Minnesota Vikings cheerleader, past or present, we were afforded a glimmer of hope. You may remember a cheerleader by the name of Kelly, a fantastic four year cheering veteran, that had connections to a Purple Jesus Diaries reader. We were told that the reader had asked Kelly to participate and she seemed agreeable to doing so, but contact from her never came to fruition…

Although Kelly has yet to contact the fine folks here at PJD, we want to take this moment to say that, Kelly, by all means, we would still very much appreciate the opportunity to talk with you. If you would like, and we highly doubt that you would but just on the off chance that it’s agreeable, we’ll even buy you a PJD t-shirt. Enticing, I know. Or, we could offer to buy you food and … beer? Martinis? Whatever, let’s just not break the bank here.
Now, in the terrible, heart breaking event that Kelly decides to decline our extravagant invitation, we must prepare for other alternatives, much like drafting Johnny Flynn after you take Ricky Rubio (fucking idiots). That is why we feel the need to put out another call to arms from our readership in having them help us get in contact with another current or former cheerleader. Really, I don’t care who at this point, but I know someone out there has a Facebook friend, is following a Twitter feed, or is for some unbelievable reason still using MySpace, and is friends with a cheerleader themselves or has a friend of a friend … father’s, mother’s, cousin’s, former roommate. Come on people, help us out.
So, if you do, get in contact with us at [email protected] and give us a thread to follow here. We have all of these questions that we’re dying to ask and no one to ask them too! As impetus, here are some attractive looking pictures for your Friday.
Any or all of these ladies would be fine candidates for an interview, so let’s get crackin’!
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