The Last Mary Tyler Moore Show

Growing up as a kid in Rhode Island in the 1970’s, I’ll always remember the CBS Saturday night lineup including the venerable Mary Tyler Moore Show. It lasted seven seasons, went out on top and probably had the very best series finale ever. Seinfeld, Friends, St. Elsewhere and The Sopranos are among the series finales that had disappointing endings.

For me, The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Cheers were the series that ended the right way. Here’s the last episode of MTM.

Part 1 – Ted pleads for support

Part 2 – Lou, Mary and Murray are fired, Ted Stays

Part 3 – The return of Rhoda and Phyllis

Part 4 – It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

The original ending of the show with the cast introductions by Mary (I saw this during the first run of syndication, but it hasn’t been seen in the syndication runs since).

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