The Last Meet The Press Hosted by Tim Russert and a Meet The Press Tribute

As this year’s Father’s Day draws to a close, I will give you the last Meet The Press program hosted by Tim Russert from June 8, a political roundtable featuring the NBC News political campaign reporters and this week’s program, a tribute to Tim hosted by Tom Brokaw.

As you know, this is not a political blog, it’s a blog devoted to sports media, but Tim was also a big baseball, football and everything Buffalo sports fan. As has been mentioned in the tributes to Russert throughout the weekend, he said he stood on the shoulders of his father, Big Russ, just as his son, Luke stood on his shoulders. As we remember Russert, this particular program, the very last he hosted before his untimely death last Friday, showed him in his element, talking politics and discussing the upcoming Presidential election, and the Electoral College.

And here’s Meet the Press from today, hosted by Tom Brokaw, featuring James Carville, Mary Matalin, Mike Barnicle, Meet The Press Executive Producer Betsy Fischer, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, PBS Washington Week in Review host Gwen Ifill and Maria Shriver.

RIP Tim.

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