The Latest on Chris Obekpa


The latest news on Cincinnati recruiting target Chris Obekpa is ………. nothing. The regular signing period for this class ended yesterday. Obekpa has been very silent. Bearcats Blog has a theory about this. Such a good theory, that it is in the next paragraph. 

Chris Obekpa isn’t a real person. I’m convinced at this point that he is a figment of recruiting circles imaginations. I think Adidas made him up. I think this is a social experiment to find out what happens when a shoe company, or recruiting service, or a high school even, makes up a player and pushes his story out there. Now before you think I’ve developed a drinking problem or lost the rest of my mind, let me ask you this. Have you actually seen Chris Obekpa? I don’t mean pictures. Has anyone actually seen him? Have you even seen a video of him? I haven’t. I don’t think such video exists. Here is the only known video of “Chris Obekpa.”


Obviously that video shows us nothing. You can’t hear anything he says. He’s being interviewed by a child it looks like. For all this award winning (*Bearcats Blog’s Best Bearcats Blog Named Bearcats Blog winner 2009, 2011.) blog writer knows, that is a normal man with the camera pointed up at him. The conversation is low enough and broad enough that we can’t hear what’s happening. It’s a hoax. Notice how the man in the video doesn’t look directly at the camera. It’s a lie. 

If you don’t believe me, look at the twitter followers. Just a simple google search lands on Obekpa’s page and he has just 528 followers or something like that. Anthony Bennett, another member of the 2012 recruiting class, has 8,000. Amile Jefferson has 5,000. Even another unsigned player like Devonta Pollard has over 1,000. Those horrible, horrible, horrible fake Wonka accounts somehow have thousands of followers. Those things are fucking stupid and upset me greatly. They are worse than the fake Will Smith twitter. Yeah, another bombshell in a post full of them.

The world keeps awaiting a Chris Obekpa decision to Cincinnati, Providence, DePaul or Oregon, but this award winning writer (*Bearcats Blog Sucks Worst Blog 2009, 2010, 2011) has a feeling that the world is going to have to keep waiting. Want one final reason why? He’s considering going to DePaul. The DePaul that’s in Chicago. That’s all you need to know. The truth is out there. 


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