As I’m sure you all remember, I brought up the Hockeyy Insiderr feed a couple of days ago after I was unwittingly pulled into the feud between some idiot tweeting out unsubstanciated rumors (the latest has Dany Heatley to the Lightning for Ryan Malone, sexy Victor Hedman and picks. I mean, it sure SOUNDS legit, doesn’t it?) and the rest of the sports media world. Granted, I am pulled into a lot of things unwittingly, but this time, I wanted to figure some stuff out.
Sean Cobourn of Flyers Nation took the information that I had and ran with it. He was like a scavenger, digging deeper for more information. He, like me, was given an anonymous, Deep Throat like tip. Cobourn dug further and came up with a name:
Former Montreal Canadien and current Florida Panther scout Pete Mahovlich. The only issue I have with this is that Mahovlich is in his 60s, and he seems really…. proficient at Twitter for a man of that age. There are some other leaps of logic that I’m not sure I fully agree with. There is some pretty solid evidence, though, that Cobourn’s sleuthing and deductions may just have solved the case.
Next up, trying to figure out where the hell Tampa is.
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