The Mayor heads to Boston

The Boston Red Sox have added first-baseman Sean Casey to their team for a scant $700,000. Casey, who possesses a career .301 hitter (.296 in 143 games last year for the Tigers squad) does not have much power but can hit for high average, which is great as a bench player.
Casey, known for his genial nature, desire to play in Boston and adeptness with the glove instantly provides credibility to a bench that I worried was flagging earlier.
The Red Sox did not attempt to sign a quality first-baseman to the bench last year after trying to assimilate J.T. Snow to a bench role, a year after John Olerud found success in that role with the Red Sox.
As a result, Kevin Youkilis wore down quickly in the second-half, and the Red Sox felt that his high-intensity play caused him to wear down as the season went on.
With Casey behind him, the Red Sox are now protected against injury with Youkilis and David Ortiz and also will be able to spell Youkilis on occasion. He should see little time in the first-half, but should play an increasingly important role as the season progresses.
This seems to make Brandon Moss the odd man out and makes it that much more important to find a fourth outfielder that can play all positions now that a roster spot will be going to a true first baseman.
Update: But I’d rather have Morgan Ensberg, who’s now going to have to fight four people to get a spot on the Yankees’ bench as a lefty-hitter and will probably waste away the year in Triple-A. The guy is a top-30 3B and can hit lefties (he’s a righty hitter). We didn’t sign him because… *crickets*

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