The Mika Has Landed

The Mika Has LandedThe Mika Has Landed

Fresh off scoring some goals, Tebowing and proceeding to be relegated, Z-Bad has made his return to “the 14th best city to live in the world“. Whether he’ll be doing it up for Easter in the capital or at Andre Petersson’s fav place in Bingo remains to be seen.

In an intermission interview with Mendes a few weeks back Tim Murray hinted the organization wouldn’t be loathe to burn a year of Mika’s ELC if they thought he could contribute. Since that time the other older Murray seemed to clarify on the team1200 that it would have to take a pretty impressive performance in Bingo for Mika to draw in with the big club.

Bryan’s view is the right one and part of me thinks Tim was just trying to coax Mika back to North America with the carrot of NHL games. In any case I know I’ll be paying a lot more attention to the B-Sens final stretch than previously would have been anticipated.

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