The NBA Playoffs are here!

Hey everyone, it’s Wolves fans our favorite time of the year again, because the NHL NBA playoffs are about to begin!  In the spirit of the season, I’ve done a few things with some of the various excellent NBA bloggers around the “Blogosphere” (yeah, I’m a nerd so what.)

Anyways, make sure to check out this stuff in anticipation of the games:


The always excellent Romy from Hoop Heads North got a few of us bloggers together who’s teams suck diseased donkey balls were unfortunate enough to miss the playoffs this season.  Check out our collective thoughts on rivalries and vendettas, whom we think could be a surprise team of the first round, the dominance of the Cleveland Cavs, and more!

(For the record, I hate lots of teams, think the Nuggets will lose, and know the Cavs will crush their competition.)

And next, from my buddy Don over at With Malice… he’s got the votes and analysis from 9 of my fellow Bloguin bloggers.  There is some really good stuff here (and sweet picture chart!)  Make sure to check them out:

Western Conference Playoff Preview

(What the heck, I was the only one to pick the Rockets and/or the Mavs?!?!  That’s weak!)  Here is my analysis of the match-ups:

Los Angeles (1)  vs  Utah (8)

Lakers in 6.

  It may appear to be somewhat of a tough match-up on paper, but the Lakers absolutely undressed Utah on Tuesday night.  Personally, I wish Utah would have ended up with the 7th seed, because I’d like to see them advance in the playoffs.  LA is too talented for the Jazz, unfortunately.

Denver (2)  vs  New Orleans (7)

 New Orleans  in 7.

  Denver may be the trendy pick, but I still don’t understand how they ended up with the second best record in the West.  I am still unconvinced until they are able to advance past the first round.  If Utah was in this spot, I think they would beat the Nuggets.  However, I also think New Orleans can beat the Nuggets too.  I believe it was a blessing in disguise that they dropped down to 7th on the last day of the season!

San Antonio (3)  vs  Dallas (6)

Dallas in 7.

  Bummer for the Rockets, because I think they would have absolutely destroyed Dallas with ease, finally advancing past the first round.  For these two teams, it’s a toss-up.  With the current state of their rosters, I think they are the two weakest teams in the playoffs from the Western Conference.  I’ll give Dallas the nod because they’ve got Dirk, and San Antonio is missing Ginobili.  I could see this series going down to the wire either way.

Portland (4)  vs  Houston (5)

 Houston in 7.

  The home court advantage could end up being key for the Blazers, because this will be a tough series.  However, I think Houston’s defense will be too much for them. I also give Houston the nod in the experience column.  It’s unfortunate that these two teams are playing each other, because I’d love to see both of them in the second round.

Eastern Conference Playoff Preview

And my analysis of the Eastern Conference and how the match-ups break down:

Cleveland (1)  vs  Detroit (8)

Cavs in 5.

 Some people might be disillusioned because of Detroit’s past greatness, but that team is long gone.  LeBron might glow at some point, but he definitely won’t break a sweat this series.  This match-up is the end of an era for Piston fans.

Boston (2)  vs  Chicago (7)

Boston in 7.

  This match-up could end up being closer than anyone thinks.  Especially since it sounds like KG will definitely miss the first round, and even possibly the entire playoffs.  I love what Derrick Rose has done with this team.

Orlando (3)  vs  Philadelphia (6)

Orlando in 6.

  Hedo’s injury could hurt the Magic a bit, but they are still just too good for the Sixers.  I guess anything can happen, but I just don’t think the Sixers have enough fire power… or the means to stop Dwight Howard.

Atlanta (4)  vs  Miami (5) 

Miami in 7.

  I would never, ever, NEVER bet against a healthy and motivated D-Wade in the playoffs.  Throw in the fact that Atlanta struggles mightily on the road, and we’ll have quite a playoff series on our hands.  The big question is whether or not Miami’s youngsters can step up under pressure.  They won’t have to do too much with D-Wade on their site, but guys like Chalmers and Beasley will need to contribute for Miami to win.


Lastly, TWolvesBlog is slugging it out in a brutal battle against The Nugg Doctor for Blog Header supremecy.  Make sure to check this out and vote for TWB!

Basketball Blog Header Playoffs – Round 1


Go here to settle the tie-breaker!  We definitely need ALL your help!

Basketball Blog Header Playoffs – Round 1 TWB Tie-Breaker

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