The New Football Stadium + The Friday Links


If you haven’t seen it already, here’s the video that the #STLNFL group presented to the NFL this week regarding the new riverfront stadium plan:

A couple of things here:

1) Damn STL looks good in virtual reality!

2) What is ‘In-Seat Digital Display’ (1:39 mark)? They’re going to run instant replay OVER the fans? I don’t know how the hell that works, but I love it.

3) That river is real stagnant. Looks like HOK isn’t real bullish about us reversing global warming.

4) Kind of looks like a big, giant crapper on some of the aerial views. Subtle jab at Kroenke?

5) If anyone really believes that this wouldn’t be an improvement to what is currently happening on the north riverfront, then they should probably just move out of STL.

Now, The Friday Links…

That’s it. That’s the workweek. If you make big plans tonight for the Blues game, they will play awful. If you want to make big plans, but do nothing, they’ll play awesome. Whatever you want from the Blues, they probably won’t give it to you. Unless you decide to not really want it, then they’ll think about it.


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