The road that took us to here

This post will not be about how USC won the national championship but what it means to the state of South Carolina and the fans that have been through it all to support this university and team.

As I am sure you heard all through the college world series, USC has never won a national championship in any of the major sports.  Well tonight we can say that we have exceeded expectations.  Facing a team that has pretty much won in every sport except the ones we care about here in the south, water polo, volleyball and basketball (exclude the ACC, except Clemson).

First of all, I want to thank Coach Ray Tanner for being the man he is.  He does more for the community we call The University of South Carolina then most.  Way before we consider him our baseball coach we consider him a good person.  Between his foundations and fundraising for those who can’t do for themselves.  In a society where athletes do what they want, he runs a program where he takes boys and makes them into men.  Many of my friends, who are not gamecock fans, have told me, that they only like USC because Coach Tanner is a stand-up guy.  The way he runs his program, should be the way every coach runs a program.  Truthfully, he deserves this national championship more than anyone.

As for a University, that has had its problems in the past; I am glad that we have finally made it over the mountain.  Maybe now when ESPN does a story about USC, they can see the true potential of the University of South Carolina.  The past is the past, let’s move forward and embrace what Coach Tanner has done, and celebrate this national championship.  The state of South Carolina has had its problems – Politically and Socially – but when it comes down to the bare bones, we should stand behind what this baseball team has done for the state of South Carolina.

As for the fans, we do a great job standing up and being proud of our state university.  As noted by Travis Haney this week in the story of Bayler Teal who lost his life to Cancer, a community and a team can rally behind person to inspire them to do great things.  

As a person who lost his father to cancer a couple years back.  I embrace a story that shows the true power of people to embrace a family that is hurting and make them feel good, even for a moment about what has happened.  Many people out there have found themselves losing a loved one to cancer and need something to take their minds off the pain.  For one family in SC, gamecock baseball was that escape from reality. As much as I respect the nation noticing USC winning the national championship, I am glad that the Teal family was in Omaha to witness history.  It might not take the pain away, or give them perspective, but for a brief moment they can say that their son was inspiration for history.

As for me, a 29 year old South Carolina graduate, this day couldn’t have come sooner.  Beating Clemson twice in Omaha was great, but bringing home the hardware is something that can never be taken away.

Thank you again Coach Tanner, your coaching staff, the fans that made it out to Omaha and the fans that were back in South Carolina.  Without the dedication and perseverance, this would mean nothing.  

It has been a long trek, but once you reach the mountain top there is no looking back.  To win the final National Championship in a historic place like Rosenblatt Stadium, says a lot.  History books might be filled with stories like this but it is hard to write a better story then the 2010 Gamecock Baseball Team.

Doesn’t it feel good to be a Gamecock?

As a side note, I want to thank the friends that were there to experience this with me.  I will never forget this moment as long as I live.

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