What greeted me today I was walking by MSG today in Manhattan and found myself next to a bus stop station. The next thing I know my face was right next to T.O.’s butt cheek. This add was covering the bus stop and I almost starting gaging. The add was a reminder that T.O.’s reality show was debuting at 10pm this Monday. Should be a fun scripted… err… reality show. I’ll admit, I’m intrigued to see if the cameras were with him around the time he got cut from the Cowboys. And let us not forget “Terrell Owens Day” when the wide out received the key to the city. And of course the wild group of casted..errr..fans that greeted him at the airport. I’ll definitely be watching and giving my review and let us hope he doesn’t make the city look worse then it already is.
Pacman ExposedYou thought T.O.’s photo was exposing, how about Pacman’s strip club video being released to the public. The Jay-Z video..errr.. evidence video of Pacman making it rain at the strip club he was arrested at made its countdown debut on ESPN. I started laughing my ass off the way announcer, Trey Wingo introduced the video. His tone was as if he was introducing a video of a child pornographer sting operation. I’ve never been a fan of Trey Wingo, he just has an annoying smugness and laughs at his own stupid jokes. But the intro was so over the top. Wingo acted as if we were going to crack the case of Pacman vs The Strippers with watching this video. Wingo also warned us at least 4 times to hide the kids before you watch this (heard you the 1st time Trey).
Obviously the video was the best part. Not only did we get to see Nelly and Jermaine Dupri, but we got strippers! But that wasn’t what made the video funny. John Barr’s (who?) over the top serious voice over during the video was fantastic. He was describing the video as if we were watching a sting operation. “There you see recording artist Nelly pulling out a 1000’s of dollars, while Pacman is pouring dollar bills all over the strippers, the term is known as making it rain, Dupri gets angry and goes to the DJ booth.” I was waiting for the Tommy Lee Jones character from “The Fugitive” to come out and make the sting.
But the stupidest part was after all the ESPN hype and the political campaign smearing voice over, the video did absolutely nothing in answering questions about the crime that happen. The quick version of what supposedly happened was: Jones throws 1000’s of dollar bills in the air/strippers try and collect/Jones punches stripper/Bouncer throws Jones out/One of Pacman’s entourage members returns/shoots a gun at a crowd and injuring 3 people. And how much did the video capture of this? None! Just strippers and Pacman. That’s ESPN in a nut shell, they make ever little thing seem as if it’s breaking news and will change your life. I learned nothing from the video (except wanting to go to a strip club)
Rookie Camp is Overrated!Since Mr. MuliQuinn has finished his top to bottom biggest evaluation since Watergate, we learned a couple of things. The Sabres signed a couple of unknown defensemen (one was so bad he played in Sweden last year)….. Um, they moved the draft party to the art gallery…And that’s it! So the evaluation did nothing! Status quo as usual. So what do the Sabres shills in some of the media outlets do? They act as if rookie camp was going to be where the stars would rise.
Hey shills! 13 years under Regier and only 3 all-stars developed! I took a look at the list of rookies from the 2006 rookie camp and it’s not good. Only Stafford and MacArthur are with the club today from that camp and they haven’t exactly lit the league on fire. I understand some of you crazy hockey fans treat any sort of Sabres news as gold, but don’t tell me to get excited because TJ Brennan is kicking Mike Foligno’s kids ass in camp. Until the Sabres farm system becomes like the Red Wings, wake me up when the rookie makes it to the NHL.
Bulldog is a DrinkerI wasn’t able to listen to much of WGR this week because I was crazed at work, but I was able to get some snippets from their Monday afternoon show. Bulldog was back from a week vacation and told us that all he did was drink all week. That sounds like a fun week, but why are you talking about that on the air.
This is where my beef is with WGR, they make their hosts act as if they are your best friend and you care about what they do in the spare time. Listeners don’t care what your favorite food is and what kind of drink you enjoy, maybe I’m nitpicking here, but this isn’t Howard Stern Radio where it’s about your personal life. It’s about sports. I do want to give WGR credit as the station hosted its annual golf tournament on Monday. During Schopp and the Bulldog’s show with guest Jerry Sullivan, they had a couple of on the fly interviews with some of the Bills former greats. Andre Reed gave a great interview talking about the 90’s Bills and gave his thoughts on today’s current Bills. It was also interesting hearing Sully exchange stories about how Reed and some of his old teammates would take everything so personal with the media. I wish our sports teams would care how the public views them.
Why do I like Brady more then Romo? I know this is suppose to be a Buffalo Sports blog, and I’m bringing up Brady who has owned the Bills, and Romo from the hated Cowboys. But it’s my blog so p#$s off! I was watching ESPN tonight and t
hey had some sort of comedy sketch with Romo in it. The sketch went as bad as Evgeni Malkin’s joke at the Stanley Cup Finals (can someone please translate for me what Malkin was saying). Romo is the biggest Brady wannabe ever. The thing that ticks me off is Romo is trying to pull the whole “Bennifer” thing and just shove his smugness down our throat with media appearances. Lets see Romo on red carpet events, lets see Romo doing sketch comedy, lets see Romo show off his motorcycle on ESPN Hollywood (god that show was awful). The dude has absolutely no Charisma. Brady on the other hand, just plays it as cool as a cucumber. He acts as if he isn’t bothered by it and he’s not seeking the spotlight. Brady does let the media see a little bit of his personal life, but he does a great job of keeping the public wanting more. As for the girls, I’d take the super model over the ditz (Yes I know Romo dumped Jessica, but that is as far as I will go to making this blog be like US Weekly)
Thanks TBN!! We the people (the homeless guy and I)at “Joe from NYC Blog,” would like to thank Jerry Sullivan and Bucky Gleason (Heather too) for giving me the cheap plugs the last two days on TBN Sports chat. It was very nice of you guys to let people know about this blog. I hope some of you have enjoyed it and aren’t laughing too hard at the the notion that some regular on TBN chats is doing a blog. To be honest, I’m doing it because I’m a wannabe sports reporter who for whatever reason never tried to move forward in that career path (Yes, save the I see from your writing skills why you didn’t). I’m really hoping I can get better at Blogging and that any feedback you readers could give to me I would really appreciate. My short-term goal is for some of TBN staff to read this and give their blessing on how good and well written my pieces have been. Thanks again Bucky and Sully. Now can you please tell me what the 20 bucks thing means?!
-Joey P-
–Keepin it real since 99′-
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