The times they are a-changin…

Well, we are getting closer to having an owner. Proposals have been released and the city counsel meeting is set for Tuesday. Many snippets were thrown out on twitter yesterday and I have not had a chance to read the actual information. I probably won’t before Tuesday. I just have too much to do this weekend that is more important then reading that document…

Even if the City of Glendale accepts one (or both?) of the buyers the process isn’t done yet. The NHL board of governors would have to also approve said owner. I am not really sure how long this process will take. I suppose it depends on how soon the next meeting is and if this makes the agenda (which I’m sure it would).

One area that popped out at me on twitter was the fact that both buyers want to change the name of the team to either Arizona Coyotes or Glendale Coyotes. Sure they can do what they want but that doesn’t mean I have to like it or agree with it. I get why they want to change it but those other names sound wrong to me. I eventually would call them by their new name some of the time. Let’s take a look at other things I still have a hard time calling by their new name, and these are just local things: Bank One Ball Park (aka the BOB), America West Arean (AWA), Cardinals Stadium, Glendale Arena. I thin the BOB is now Chase field. I don’t even know what AWA is. I just say AWA or where the Suns play. Cardinals I sometimes remember to call UoP but always with a discerning look and tone. I have gotten a little more used to calling Glendale arena the job but I never call it arena. And I am even a fan of the actual website!

Changing the name would be a good way to separate themselves from the past but I bet its more about the money they could generate off of it. People are going to want new tshirts and hoodies that now say the new name. I am sure they will redesign the jersey. Then everyone will want the new Coyotes jersey.

If someone asks me where I live (that is not living in AZ) I just always say Phoenix. People get Phoenix. I don’t differentiate by saying Glendale or Surprise or wherever it is that I live. Most people outside of here do not know all the suburbs of Phoenix. It’s easily recognizable, which is why it works well for a sports team (see: Phoenix Coyotes, Phoenix Suns). Arizona also works well as it encompasses the whole state but where are all the teams? Arizona Cardinals are now in Glendale (previously Tempe) and the Arizona Diamondbacks are in downtown Phoenix. That really doesn’t cover the whole state of Arizona. It is a very big state. Yes, Phoenix is the main area (and most populated) but there are many towns all over. I discover new towns almost everyday at work and I always look them up to see where they are and they are never in Phoenix metropolitan area. Will people in those areas really feel that this is their team too? I know of one family from Tucson that has season tickets and try to make it up for every game. How many more of those can we get? Probably not many. Maybe people that will come for a game here and there but not season ticket holders.

Again, I know my opinion doesn’t matter to the powers that be but it is my opinion and I am still allowed to have it. I don’t like the name change idea but if it happens, it happens. I will probably still call them the Phoenix Coyotes for several years. You stick with what you know. Change is hard for most people. I however will not be one of those that runs out and buys all new merch because of the name change. I hope they deeply discount everything that says Phoenix… then I will stock up on the cheap!

I can’t think of any examples but are there other sports teams that are named for the largest city in the area but actually in a suburb? The only thing that comes to mind right now is the LaCrosse Speedway. I know most of my readers have no idea what I am talking about but it’s a race track and it’s actually not in LaCrosse. It’s in a much smaller suburb of LaCrosse. But most people in the midwest have heard of LaCrosse, most haven’t heard of West Salem…

Ok, I am done with my rant for the day. I am now going to go eat breakfast and drink some coffee. That will explain if none of this makes any sense. 🙂


Link to Ice Edge Holdings Memorandum of Understanding (MoU):

Link to Glendale Hockey MoU:

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