2015 is wrapping up.
I don’t look at our site analytics all that often. I know that’s a terrible ‘best practice’. I know that looking at the data could inform better editorial direction and increase traffic.
But this is a hobby.
People will read stuff if they want to. Or they won’t.
At the end of the day, this site is something fun that I enjoy doing. So the posts that make the cut are generally things I’m interested in talking about.
Terrible for traffic. Great for the soul!
Just for the heck of it, though, let’s take a look at some of the most read posts on the CD in 2015. For the sake of making this hacky ‘end of year’ post a little more interesting, I’ve filtered out stories that did good traffic (Cardinals trade for Brandon Moss, et al) but were more straightforward news items that everybody had.
The List:
10 Reasons It’s Great To Be a Cardinals Fan Right Now (MAY 6)
The Mike Leake signing was a life raft. Something to cling to after a very rocky October/November. Hard to remember all the way back to May when the Cardinals were just demolishing everyone.
Look at those stats!
I remember seeing so many great Tweets coming fast and furious that I copy and pasted a bunch of them into a post and called it a day.
Here’s hoping we get another feeling like this in 2016.
Winning Without Feeling Like a Winner (JUL 13)
This was the first time the seams started to show on 2015.
Even though the Cardinals were 23 games over .500 at the All-Star break, they only had a 2.5 game lead on the Pirates and the offense had settled in to a very average rut.
Every single team in baseball would have traded spots with the Cardinals at this point. But we didn’t feel great about it, did we?
Turns out we were on to something.
Busch Stadium Has Installed Retina Scanners (AUG 4)
Somehow the most famous cup shot in Cardinals history got worked into a story about retina scanners.
Sounds about right.
Nobody Has Any Idea What’s Going To Happen Tonight (OCT 9)
I’d skip this one.
Here’s a taste of what’s inside:
The Birds have spent a century crafting a very specific narrative about Cards v Cubs: winner’s win, losers lose. While a single 5 game series loss won’t erase a century of success, it will open the door for a new story to emerge – that the Cardinals couldn’t beat the Cubs… in the playoffs.
Mike Matheny Does Not Win Manager of the Year Award (NOV 18)
Coach Mike was in a difficult spot.
He had a really, really strong case for MOY 2015. And if the voters were being real honest with themselves, I think he would of won.
But Joe Maddon was more fun. The Cubs were a better story. Human element is part of the voting process.
As Cardinals fans, it kind of stinks that Matheny didn’t win the award. But as people with hearts that pic really stinks. He was so ready to win.
Photo: MyCity Web
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