The TV All-Star Break

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Everyone does their mid season review for all sorts of sports, so I don’t like to flood my blog with repetitive writing (unless it’s my own, of couse. Who’s ready for another weekly review post?). However, I have interests outside of sports, although not many, which is why I’m single. One of those interests is, sadly, TV. So I thought, why not do a midseason review of the TV season?
I didn’t want to cover the entire scope of the fall lineup, and just the new shows. Furthermore, I wanted only to look at the elite new shows of the fall season. That meant that Studio 60 just misses the cut, and we are left with my two new favorite shows. Let’s figure out which show, of my two favorites, had the best first half of the TV season.

Jericho: This show drew me in mostly because I just want to know what happened. I still want to know, in a broader sense, what will happen to the whole town. In case you didn’t know, Jericho is about a remote Kansas town (aren’t they all?) that survives a nuclear attack on the nation. The residents are then left to figure out what happened and how they are to survive on their own. The broader events of the show are compelling, such as the supply drop from, possibly, China.
The inter town activities, the romances and what not are pretty dreadful to follow, as the writers seem more geared for political rather than personal drama. I have to say, however, that Sprague Grayden is pretty redeeming in all of those awkward, balky scenes meant to improve our relationship with townmembers, and the Hawkins family and their secrets are enough to keep me tuning in every week.

Heroes: When people hear about this show, about random people gaining superpowers and needing to save the world, it seems like this show would be perfect for the sci fi nut, but I think, instead, that this is a compelling character drama. Instead of worrying what is going to happen next (which is fairly predictable in the scheme of hero stories) we worry about character development and interaction. We have personal opinions on the characters found therein, rather than with the way the plot progresses, which is good, because it moves forward at a sometimes excruciating pace. The good news for Heroes is that this show will certainly have legs in the future, given that it is a consistent good versus evil plot.

Both of these shows are good enough to draw me in every week, but I think Heroes, because of the acting and it’s future, is the winner for me for the first half of the season. – Ryan

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