I’m getting to the Drinking Game early this week, so I can give you some extra time to practice over the weekend. Additionally, this is going to be Monday’s game, because after a long weekend, doesn’t a nice bout of binge drinking sound nice? Anyways, Monday’s game features two of the most disappointing teams in the League. The Rangers and their misguided free agent adventures (such as for Marian Gaborik and his magical groin) and the Sharks with notorious malcontents like Dany Heatley and… Dany Heatley. All right everyone, buckle up and get ready for another awesome drinking game.
… while you try to figure out what happened to the other ‘n’ in Dany Heatley’s name
… every time something that Sean Avery does something that gets overblown. Probably won’t happon though, right?
… during every Versus commercial for MMA. Finish your drink if Dan Girardi busts out the Figure 4 leglock during the game.
… if you crave a pickle when Marc-Andre Vlasic is on ice.
Now my favorite section…. the Drinking Player of the Week: Michael Del Zotto
– Michael has never won a beauty contest, though he is the handsomest Mary Wickes imperonator out there. It’s not important why or how I came up with Mary Wickes.
– “del Zotto” is Italian for “of the Zotto”. Zotto is Albanian for “frightened by cameras”.
– Michael, a rookie, has a point in all but two games thus far this season. Unfortunately he is not as successful scoring away from the rink.
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