The Victoria Times Diet: Go ahead and try it at home

The Victoria Times Diet: Go ahead and try it at homeThe Wall Street Journal has an article today, running down Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps’ daily diet. I thought it might be interesting and informative to see what a meteorologist and contributor to 4 blogs eats a day. Fortunately, I know one such person that fits that description (me, for those who haven’t caught up).

Breakfast: Breakfast comes before noon. I’m not usually up until 1130, and I generally get a tummy ache if I eat anything before 900AM anyways.

Lunch: I’m usually late for work as it is, and I don’t get to eat until like 500pm. By the time I do eat, it’s usually a turkey sandwich with cheese and ranch on honey wheat, some yogurt and a Pepsi. If I’m running behind on the way to work, replace the sandwich with a Bowl Appetit. Don’t worry though, if I get hungry before my lunch break, I get something out of the vending machine. Usually a bag of Combos. Pizza is the best.

Dinner: Chicken, usually, if there is any in the freezer, or Jose Ole Taquitos. Half a bag of KC Masterpiece chips. More Pepsi.

Just as a side note, Michael Phelps is an inch taller than me, and outweighs me only by 10 pounds. I have the physique of an Olympian with 1/8th the calories!

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