They say I need some Rogaine to put in my hair


Thanks to Weezer for today’s title. I have been waiting for us to beat the ducks so I could use this one. And it was painfully obvious at the Olympics that Getzlaf is in need of the Rogaine. Almost makes me feel bad for the guy. Nah.

Last night the Coyotes shut out the Ducks 4 to nothing. Loved it. It was a pretty good game too. I met up with a friend to watch it (since I can’t get Center Ice, even when its free) and we had a great time. It did get a little scary at times, but we pulled through.

Thoughts on new guys:
-Stempniak likes to take out goalies. He tried to play leapfrog with Hiller but Hiller is mean and didn’t want to play. Love it.
-Wolski was fab. He scored a goal. He was a star. That’s two goals and two stars in two games. Wow. Can’t wait to see what else he does for us.
-Guy that needs a nickname (#71 as we were calling him last night) didn’t play a lot, took a penalty but apparently won 7 of 11 face-offs. It’s the little things. Way to go #71!

Scratches include Paul (I thought for sure he’d play against the Ducks but I guess Parros was scratched too), Lang (upper body injury, yes rest the old man) and Vandy. Vandy hasn’t been the same since he broke his hand. Work on that.

For the most part Bryz was fantastic as he earned his seventh shutout of the season. There were a few moments we were like BRYZ! but he got it under control. And Bryz also set a new franchise record for most wins in a season with 34. Oh and Sami? He saved a few shots too.

Speaking of Sami…. he is so on restriction! The Coyotes had seven penalties last night (seemed like a helluva lot more) and I’d say like 5 of those were Sami. Every time we got a penalty we were like really Sami? I am so mad at him right now! Then I saw Sami having to play with Jovo and I was like why is he out there with Jovo? And my friend goes, “He is being punished for taking so many penalties.” Ok, no one deserves that!

How can I stay mad at this face??

Ok, but what about those four goals??

Who started off the scoring in the first? NONE OTHER THEN MY PRUCHA! And I wasn’t even wearing the jersey (which was good because I was having issues last night). Wow, way to go Pru! See, this is what happens when you put bodies in front of the net. Goals. Yes, bodies + in front of net = goals. Learn that boys. Oh and then Marty knocked Pru over. Why Marty? Why?

Then in the second Wolski scores pretty much right off a face-off and we missed it. We were talking because there was a stop in play and the next thing we knew, Wolski scored! It seemed every time we weren’t paying attention fully we scored.

Then its Fiddy with another goal in the second. And it was at full strength. At first I thought we were on a PK cuz that’s usually how Fiddy rolls.

Finally in the third Yandle gets a goal. It was not called a goal at first and we were sitting there going how did that not go in? I swear it looked like it went in! Then when play stopped the officials went over to review it. Clearly the puck had rolled under the crossbar, went well over the line and came back out. They showed the replay several times and it was clear as day. The refs then ruled it a goal. Yandle looked so smiley and happy on the bench. Everyone was coming over to give him high fives. He even took his glove off so he could get optimal high-fivage.

So those were the four goals. It was pretty awesome. And our PK was pretty awesome. PP still needs some work. Can we bring in some kind of PP consultant because apparently the guys aren’t getting whatever is being taught currently..

I used to do a feature on my blog (like way back when it first started) called “Quote of the Day” and I would pull a really good quote from an article said by a player or coach. Then the offseason was upon us and it got more and more difficult to find good quotes as the summer went on (once past the draft/rookie camp it was most trying). But I am going to try something new on for size, “Quote of the Game”. On the Coyotes site, the recap always has some good quotes so I think it would be much easier to find a quote. And this way I won’t have to worry about it during the offseason. So without any further ado here is today’s Quote of the Game:

“It’s nice but I’m not chasing any records here,” Bryzgalov said. “I’m here to help my teammates win the games, and my teammates help me to win the games because we are in the same business and we’re in the same boat…. We’re trying to make the playoffs and every game we win we are closer to finishing this mission.”

So there you have it. Bryz with the Quote of the Game because what he says is true. They are a team and one player does not win or lose the whole game for them.


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