This and that and a bunch of prospects

Yesterday the Coyotes announced their prospect camp schedule with three dates open to the public. Of course camp will be help at the Ice Den in Peoria. Times are as follows:

Friday July 9th: 10 – 11:30
Saturday July 10th: 7:30 – 9:00
Monday July 12th: 11:45 – 1:15

I am not sure if I will be heading out the the Saturday event or not. I haven’t decided. If I do, I will post some thoughts and pics afterwards.

For a list of players in attendance click here.


In other news… Paul Bissonnette has twitter and he is not afraid to use it. Last night he got it from some of his followers when he made the claim that women aren’t funny (accept he apparently thinks Miley Cyrus is… she is still ony 17 Paul, be careful!). Then he said something about men being smarter then women (he could make his case better if he knew proper grammer and spelling). He tried a few times to dig himself out. It was quite amusing. I suggest following him. He has learned how to post pics and he does so quite often. Also, I want to go to his house. Pool table, bar. Dang! Click here to go to his twitter page. Apparently some people also emailed the Coyotes about his twitter. Get over it people. If you don’t like it, don’t follwo him. No one is forcing you to read and/or follow his twitter.

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