Random Thoughts From Tonight’s Gold Medal Game

  • In all likelihood, I will never see another moment like Sidney Crosby’s goal during my lifetime. A game winner. In OT. On Canadian soil. Surreal. It may be another twenty years before we see another Olympic Games in Canada.
  • The Crosby goal was reminiscent of the goal that Alfredsson scored in the 2007 Eastern Conference Finals against Buffalo. Not only was it coincidentally against Ryan Miller, it took one or two seconds for it to register that he had in fact scored before the crowd that I was with exploded in jubilation.
  • All this being said, I’m not exactly thrilled that Crosby has scored my generation’s version of the ’72 Summit Series Paul Henderson goal or the Mario Lemieux Canada Cup goal. As if the Canadian market audience wasn’t already over-satured with Crosby material. We’re going to be bombarded with more sugary Crosby stories to put us in a diabetic coma for the foreseeable future.
  • Speaking of diabetes (Ed. note: of the adult onset variety) What was the biggest upset of the Olympic games? How the luxury suite’s structural integrity was maintained while Ken Hitchcock was busy jumping up and down after Sidney Crosby’s game winning goal in OT. Hitch may have lost a job in Columbus, but it looks like he’s gained 50-100 extra pounds.
  • From reader Jacob C: This just in, Dany Heatley demands trade to Edmonton so that he can compete in the World Championships. (Ed. note: He has to pad those all-time Canada international goal totals somehow. Although with the way that the San Jose forward trio and Nabokov closed the tournament, Heatley may be able to join Team Canada after the first round.)
  • Speaking of the Heatley line, with the Canadians only up by a goal in the third, was anyone else scared shitless whenever this line took to the ice? Watching them protect a one goal lead was like watching CTU protect the United States during this season of 24. Egregious errors, poor coverage and a reliance upon others to get the job done.
  • Much is made over the fact that the legends of lore — players like Messier/Yzerman/Lemieux — are no longer. But as a Canadian hockey fan, the performances from young studs like Toews, Doughty and Crosby paints a bright picture for the future.
  • James Duthie had the weirdest comment of the night when the gold medals were being handed out (and I’m paraphrasing): People can no longer insinuate that Roberto Luongo isn’t a winner. (Ed. note: Maybe not. But dammit if Luongo didn’t do his best to preserve his reputation.)
  • Ryan Getzlaf may not have been acknowledged with the Terry Fox award but I’ll use this space to recognize Ryan’s courage for removing his helmet and showing off that hair to the nation.
  • Mother effing gold!
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