Thoughts From Buckeye Nation: 1.28.12

It’s Saturday morning- what better way to enjoy your cup of special coffee before attacking the weekend’s tasks than by looking back at the “best of” from great Buckeye blogs?


Thoughts From Buckeye Nation: 1.28.12

In all the hype and excitement about the next crop of Buckeyes, TSB looks at the “stars” who shone on the field and not in someone’s recruiting class rankings.

Golf!! Women’s golf!! Women’s Buckeye golf!!

Dave looks into his crystal ball and makes some really early predictions for 2012’s football team.

Most people expect the starters to be Norwell, Mewhort, Bobek, Linsley and Fragel.  Outside of Hall the only other guy with any experience is Underwood.  Factor in possible attrition and injuries, and I have a sneaking suspicion that at some point deep into the B1G conference schedule, a newcomer will be needed to start a game or two.  My best guess would be Taylor Decker, although Joey O’Connor is another possibility.

Thoughts From Buckeye Nation: 1.28.12

Grant continues to do the Lord’s work to get Hop2theRafters, and compares #32’s season to the national player of the year- David Robinson.

Meanwhile Dennis Hopson was lighting up the old St. John Arena night after night, averaging 29.1 points-per-game – ranking him second in the nation and first among all Big Ten players – while also leading Ohio State in ten statistical categories. He broke the Ohio State record for most points in a season (958) while becoming the University’s all-time leading scorer with 2,096 points. Twenty-five years later both records still stand. And who watched his beyond-spectacular 1986-87 senior season? Just us.

Things are different in the WHAC in many ways, but none more important that under the influence of new assistant athletic director for football sports performance Mickey Marriotti. Andrew tells us why.

Thoughts From Buckeye Nation: 1.28.12There are lots of great hoops previews, but how many include references to famous alumni and pop culture icons?  Michael always brings out the best to get you ready for Ohio State’s next opponent…

Thoughts From Buckeye Nation: 1.28.12Another “new” voice on the Ohio State beat, as Scott has joined Annapolis’ team to keep us up to date on Buckeye Basketball. Here’s the review of the beating that was put on Penn State,

The game got slightly strange for a minute late in the first half. Craft floated an alley-oop attempt to freshman Sam Thompson, but the pass ended up going into the hoop for three points, proving that even when Craft messes something up good things happen. A couple of possessions later, Penn State took a timeout after scoring a basket. However, when the timeout ended, Penn State was awarded the basketball right back. Eventually, after Matta kindly reminded the refs that’s not how the rulebook is written, the error was fixed (the refs may disagree with the kindly part).

Thoughts From Buckeye Nation: 1.28.12And finally, in a week where we lost the lead Lion, the team at MotSaG reminded us where the REAL “Linebacker U” is, and why that wouldn’t be changing anytime soon.

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