Thoughts on Ron Morris?

LOHD would like to open it up and ask “what are your thoughts concerning Ron Morris and his writing today in The State?”

His article is here –

Cliff note summary of the article is this – That USC was wrong to allow Garcia back on the team ahead of schedule due to his suspension and this is a black eye for USC.

Central theme to the story, as Morris states, is –

The message sent by allowing Garcia to rejoin the USC football team two weeks ahead of schedule is clear: You are important to the football program’s success; you are an exception to the rules; you are a possible superstar, and we will bend the rules at every turn to ensure your success.

Again we here at LOHD have no love for Ron Morris and seldom agree with him (I think we have agreed with him a total of twice in his career at The State). Okay, we dislike the guy and yet again find his writing hard to stomach b/c it is way off base but this is what the media is all about in South Carolina. They criticize USC on things like this but give free passes to Klempson. We will not begin to discuss Bowden and the way he has handled allowing a “accused girlfriend beater” to remain part of the team….oh, and how the media has not even touched it really but on the surface and we will not mention the player allowed to play in the bowl game after getting a DUI….we will stop there b/c we want to hear from you on this one.

We want to here your reaction to this article…………post your thoughts?

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