Three Suspended Buckeyes Reinstated

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NCAA says decision is “independent” of the NCAA enforcement process. “The enforcement investigation into th… (cont) than a minute ago via TweetDeck Three Suspended Buckeyes Reinstated Favorite Three Suspended Buckeyes Reinstated Retweet Three Suspended Buckeyes Reinstated Reply

It was confirmed by OSU Athletic Director Gene Smith that the three players suspended for accepting 200 dollars cash and attending a charity event without permission have been reinstated by the NCAA today and will be eligible to play against the Miami Hurricanes on Saturday.

Three Suspended Buckeyes Reinstated
Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome Jordan Hall to the 2011 season.

Running back Jordan Hall, Corner Travis Howard and safety Corey “Pittsburgh” Brown were all suspended for two games for taking those improper benefits at the charity event that took place this February. It is yet to be determined if Hall will automatically be inserted as the starter against Miami. Rod Smith and Carlos Hyde shared carries in the first two games of the season, with Hyde getting the majority of the workload. Hall was the projected starter heading into the season.

Howard will start in the secondary most likely on Saturday, barring any belief from the coaching staff that he isn’t ready to go. Dominic Clarke, who filled in for Howard, will still see a bunch of time on the field. Brown will continue to back up Orhian Johnson and C.J. Barnett.

Rusty Miller of the AP was the first to announce the reinstatement. Bill Rabinowitz of The Dispatch has since confirmed.

Gene Smith told Miller and the Associated Press on Saturday that he didn’t believe these three suspensions would affect the decisions of the NCAA that loom over the head of the University. He also added that Ohio State would plan to appeal a bowl ban if it was handed down to them by those capable of doing so

From the AP:

“I don’t think a postseason ban is warranted,” Smith said. “I’ve always said, that’s the one thing we would appeal. Anything else, we can accept. But I can’t speculate what (the NCAA is) going to do.”

Coach Fickell receives a bit more of a heads up that his players are returning than he did when they were suspended. The coaching staff found out just 48 hours before the opening of the season that it would be without Hall, Howard and Brown. It seemed that all three would be back before OSU’s battle with Toledo, but just 24 hours before game time, the coaching staff was informed that all three would be suspended for a second game.

All three players must pay 200 dollars back to charity before they are eligible to play a down.

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