Thursday Afternoon Potpourri – Sens Place AHL Fodder on Waivers

While the NHL and its PA continue to disagree on the split of HRR that the players should receive, the two entities did agree to something over the past week. They agreed to the creation of a waiver window that extends until midnight on Saturday so that organizations can send players (note: this only applies to players on non entry-level deals) to their AHL affiliates.

The reasoning for this is simple, because of the threat of a lockout, the two parties mutually want to expedite this process. Normally, this waivers process would occur 10 days before start of the regular season. By waiving them now, organizations can send players who cleared waivers outright to their minor league teams. 

Today, Bob McKenzie revealed which players the Senators have waived: 

So much for karma being a bitch…

At least that was the perceived feeling of many when it was revealed that Dany Heatley was suing his former representative, Stacey McAlpine, for $11-million dollars. But, now that Chris Phillips has launched a $7.5-million civil claim of his own against McAlpine, we may have to alter the way we think.

I mean, who could possibly blame some Sens fans for wishing some financial ill will onto the former (added emphasis on the word ‘former’) star goal scorer? He only requested a trade one-year into the six-year, $45-million contract extension that he negotiated with the Senators. No big deal.

Fortunately for Phillips, no one will associate his lawsuit against McAlpine with bad karma. I mean, if we really want to associate Phillips with bad karma, I’d just bring up the long-defunct Karma Lounge that Phillips was a partner of.

New Sheriff in Town

No, this has nothing to do with Shane Hnidy. 

According to the Ottawa Sun’s Don Brennan, John Chabot will be responsible for running informal Senators player practices in the event of a lockout.

Apparently it will be an interim gig that has no remuneration whatsoever. He was approached by the Senators’ strength and conditioning coach, Chris Schwarz, about the position.

Chabot is a retired eight-year NHL vet who played in Montreal, Pittsburgh and Detroit.

Although at first glance, it may not seem like much, at least the players will have some organized level of activity during the interim. Moreover, it lends itself to the perception that it’s possible the organization and the players do not believe that the lockout will be long lasting.

Alfie’s Last Game?

 From today’s CBA get-together in NYC: 


Yeah, this is exactly how I feel right now. 

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